4th hour timeline

By Atk2022
  • Aug 1, 1501

    Columbus was put into jail

    Columbus was put into jail
    EVENT: Columbus was put in jail for not bring enough gold back, slavery and not following rules. FACT CHECK: The movie was correct with him going to jail and where CONNECTION: I connect by learning about him in history RATING: I rate this movie a 4/5 stars because it was very factual and interesting.
  • bill and teds Excellent adventure

    bill and teds Excellent adventure
    EVENT: The french invaded Austria FACT CHECK: Both country's were on the battlefield CONNECTION: People learn about how important napoleon from history classes. RATING: 4/5 stars because I liked the movie but hated the persona of bill and ted
  • 12 years of slaves

    12 years of slaves
    EVENT: Solomon was set as a free man again after 12 years of slavery.
    FACT CHECK: In the movie solomon was hang by tibeats until ford cut him down but in real life solomon was not hang because Ford still had mortgage on solomon CONNECTION: I have learned a lot slavery and how cruel people used to be.
    RATING: I give this movie a ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ because it was very factual and you could feel the emotions they acted really good.
  • Lincoin

    EVENT: On January 31 1865 the 13th amendment was passed.
    FACT CHECK: The 13th amendment was passed and They did need 20 democrats to vote yes.
    CONNECTION: I have learned about this a lot in my history classes.
    RATING: I gave this a ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ because it was so factual but very slow at some parts
  • avalon

    EVENT: On July 4, 1914, Sam Krichchinsky arrived in America.
    FACT CHECK: This date is correct when he arrived in America.
    CONNECTION: Immigration is still a big deal today
    RATING: I rate this movie a 4/5 because the movie was very interesting.
  • The Lost Battalion

    The Lost Battalion
    EVENT: December 7, 1917, is when the United States joined World War One

    FACT CHECK: This is the day the USA joined WW1
    CONNECTION: Without the world wars the world would be so much different
    RATING: I give this movie 4/5 because I love war movies and the movie showed how things actuallly went down
  • birth

    i was born on a navy base around san diego california
  • adoption

    I was adopted on july first 2011 to my grandparents with my brother
  • graduation
