A Hero is Born
Harriet Tubman was born Araminta Ross in Dorchester County, Maryland. Harriet was born into slavery, both of her parents were slaves. As a child she had many mean and cruel owners and she was often whipped for not doing her work correctly.
Photo credits from Flickr.com (licensed under Creative Commons): cm120(cover photo), Harry Hunt -
With the aid of a white anti-slave neighbor Harriet made her escape running from safe house to safe house she made it to freedom in Philadelphia. She worked hard and saved all her money to help free other slaves. This same year she helped her sister and older brother escape to freedom. Photo credits from Flickr.com (licensed under Creative Commons): Jeff Reynolds
Photo credits from Flickr.com (licensed under Creative Commons): -
The Official Conductor of the Underground Railroad
Between 1850 and 1860 Harriet saved about 300 slaves and made 19 trips to freedom. She was very courageous and never lost a passenger. She gave babies sleeping medicine and carried a gun to keep her friends safe on the underground railroad.
Photo credits from Flickr.com (licensed under Creative Commons): 1tifo@sbcglobal.net -
The Civil War
After living in Canada Harriet returned to the US and enlisted in the Union Army as a nurse in the hospital. She nursed the sick, starving, and dying black slaves that the union army had recently freed. She also tried to find them jobs. She also worked as a Union scout. She helped organize the Combahee River Raid. The purpose of the raid was to harass whites and rescue freed slaves. She saved 300 slaves in the raid. Photo credits from Flickr.com (licensed under Creative Commons): NatalieMun -
A Great Life Ends
Sadly after her incredible and heroic service Harriet was denied any sort of payment. She settled down in Auburn, New York with her second husband and opened a home for the elderly and inginant. She served others till the day she died. Humble, selfless, courageous and strong Harriet Tubman in a true American Hero. Photo credits from Flickr.com (licensed under Creative Commons): Senioritis.net Remembers Famous Seniors