The Fredonion Rebellion erupts. It occurs near Nacogdoches. The rebellion is between the Texas colonists and the Mexican government. -
Colonists and Mexican troops clash. The battle occurs in and at Anahuac. William Barret Travis arrested because of this conflict. -
Stephen F. Austin imprisoned. He was accused of treason. In conclusion he was imprisoned for one year. -
Face off
Texans and Mexican troops face off at Battle of San Antonio -
Batte of Gonzles begins. Cause of the battle: Texans refused to give cannon to a Mexican patrol. This battle proved Texans were becoming more defiant to Mexico. -
Battle of Cocepion breaks out -
Texans attack San Antonio. Most soilders were farmers and ranchers. Texas surrendered and lost the battle. -
General Cos surrenders -
Battle of the Alamo occurs; Texas wins inependence -
Hurricane strikes
Devastating hurricane strikes Indianola. 176 lives are lost. Town slowly being rebuilt. -
Second hurricane strikes
After 11 years ofrebuilding ... a second hurricane strikes Indianola. Town destroyed and never rebuilt. Many more lives are lost. -
Brazos River floods the city of Hearne. 1200 miles of land lost. Some lives lost. -
Deadly hurricane
Deadliest hurricane hits Galvenston hard. This deadliest hurricane kills more than 6000. This is the deadiest hurricane on record. -
One of the most deadliest tornadoes hits Goliad. This is just one of the deadliest of two. 114 people die. -
Low temperatures
Lowest temperature in Texas strikes Seminole. The temperature hits as low as -23 F. No live lost. -
Dust Storm
Worst dust storm strikes Perryton. This is the worst dust storm in U.S. history. This duststorm strikes on " Black Sunday ". -
High temperatures
Highest temperature in Texas hits Seymour. This is the highest temperatures on record. The temperature was about 120 F. -
Mile wide tornado
Mile wide tornado rakes White Deer, Glazier, and Higgins couties. Rakes across most of the panhandle too. Some lives lost. -
Waco is struck by one of the worst tornadoes in Texas. This tornado is only one of the 2 wrs tornadoes in Texas. 114 lives are lost. -
Terrible tornado strikes Witchita Falls. This is the worst single tornado in Texas. Lives are lost. -
Greatest rainfall hits Alvin. This is the greatest rainfall in a 24 hour period. It rains up to 43 inches. -
Heat Wave
Longest heat wave in Texas hit North Texas. Lasts from June 21 - September 16. Lasts for 88 days with an average high temperature of 102.1 F. -
Storm drops 13 to15 inches of snow. It hit San Antonio in 1985. The exact date uknown. -
Flood strikes South Central Texas. It wipes out about twenty counties. All the flood water came from rivers. -
No rain
Drought strikes Dallas and Fort Worth. Drought strikes July 1 and ends on September 22. Lasts for 84 days.