Etiam, volebat scridbere epistulam.
Also, he wanted to write a letter -
Ubi scribebat epistulam in raeda, praecalarious civis prope eum sedebat.
He was writing letters in the carrage, the famous citizen is sitting near him. -
Quis est preaclarus vir?
Who is this man? -
“Quam molestus tu es!” dicebat Magister Kless.
"How annoying you are!" Said Mister Kless -
Iacobus Bauer identidem vexabat Magistrum.
Jack Bauer annoys the teacher again and again -
Magister non amat Iacobum Bauerum quod Iacobus erat molestus.
Teacher does not like Jack bauer because he was annoying -
Omnes cives timebant Iacobum.
All the civiliians are afraid of Jack