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Babe Ruth

  • Babe Ruth is born

    Babe Ruth is born
    George Hermen Ruth is born. He is born in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Kate Ruth died

    Kate Ruth died
    She died because of tuberculosis.
  • Ruth went on his first team.

    Ruth went on his first team.
    Ruth's first team in the major leagues was the Orioles.
  • Ruth got sold to the Boston Red Sox

    Ruth got sold to the Boston Red Sox
    The reason why his manager soled him was beacause he was almost bankrupt.
  • Ruth maires Helen Woodford

    Ruth maires Helen Woodford
    Ruth maired her in St. Paul's Catholic Church in Ellicott City.
  • George Hermen Ruth dies

    George Hermen Ruth dies
    Ruth's father died by being punched lost his balance and hit his head on the pavement.
  • Ruth got soled to the Yankees

    Ruth got soled to the Yankees
    Ruth got soled to the Yankees beacause he wasn't really needed at the time. What they didn't know was they would have lost for decades. The fans didn't really care though.
  • Ruth collapsed in a train station

    Ruth collapsed in a train station
    Ruth collapsed in Asheville, North Carolina because he was diagnosed with an ulcer.
  • Adoped a kid

    Adoped a kid
    They adoped a girl and named her Dorthy.
  • Helen died

    Helen died
    Babe Ruth's wife died from a fire at their farm.
  • Ruth remaired

    Ruth remaired
    Ruth now maired Clarie Hodgson.
  • Ruth was released from the Yankees

    Ruth was released from the Yankees
    He went to the Boston Braves just because they mintioned something abuot manager.
  • Throat cancer

    Throat cancer
    Know one really knows but, he probably got it from his bad habits of drinking, not really sleeping, and smoking.
  • George Hermen Ruth Jr. died

    George Hermen Ruth Jr. died
    He did die of throat cancer. That was the end.