Chapter 13 Vocab

  • "Necesse est advenire tribus diebus!”

    "Necesse est advenire tribus diebus!”
    It is necessry that we arrive in three days.
  • Magister non amat Iacobum Bauerum quod Iacobus erat molestus.

    Magister non amat Iacobum Bauerum quod Iacobus erat molestus.
    The teacher does not like Jack Baur because he was annoying.
  • Cur est Iacobus in raeda?

    Cur est Iacobus in raeda?
    Why was Jack in a carriage?
  • Omnes cives timebant Iacobum.

    Omnes cives timebant Iacobum.
    All the citizens were scared of Jack.
  • Iacobus Bauer identidem vexabat Magistrum.

    Iacobus Bauer identidem vexabat Magistrum.
    Again and again, Jack annoyed the teacher.
  • “Quam molestus tu es!”

    “Quam molestus tu es!”
    How annoying you are.
  • “Tu es fatue, Iacobe!”

    “Tu es fatue, Iacobe!”
    You are stupid Jack.