World War II

  • Leader of Italy Benito Mussolini & Fascism

    Leader of Italy Benito Mussolini & Fascism
    Mussolini begun his rise to power by advertising for war veterans to fight the politicains, which he thought was destroying Italy. This mobilization was the beginning of fascism, which is a new political movemnt that consisted of a strong, centralized goverment headed by a powerful dictator.
  • Leader of Spain Francisco Franco

    Leader of Spain Francisco Franco
    A fight had broke out between the troops of the Fascist general Francisco Franco The forces loyal to the country's elected government This act extended the ban on arms sales and loans to nations that are fighting in the civil war.
  • Period: to

    World War II

    World War II was an event that happened after the Great Deppression in the 1920's.
  • Leader of the Soviet Union Joesph Stalin & Communism

    Leader of the Soviet Union Joesph Stalin & Communism
    Joesph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union in 1924 right after the first leader of the Soviet Union died, V. I. Lenin. Stalin took control of the country. Was know as a dictartor when he had all the power.
  • Kellogg- Briand Pact

    Kellogg- Briand Pact
    United States had joined, 61 other nations in the signing the Kellogg Briand Pact Which pleaged never to make was again The agreement still permitted defensive was but did not provide for using economic or military force agiansts nations that broke the pact
  • Leader of Germany Adolf Hitler & the Nazi Party

    Leader of Germany Adolf Hitler & the Nazi Party
    In 1919, Adolf Hitler joined a group called the National Socialist German Workers' Party, known as the Nazi Party. Hitler became leader of tiny party. Made a book of his beliefs of Nazism in his book "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") In January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor (prime minister)
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    In the beginning in 1935 congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts in an effort to keep the united states out of future war The first two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war The third act was passed in response to fighting that broke out in Spain
  • Troop build up in the Rhineland

    Hitler had sent troops into Rhineland to build up strangth and to train more troops and get them back out in the feild.
  • Troop build up in Ethiopia

    They had sent troops to Ethiopia to defend the fort.
  • Quarantine Speech

    Quarantine Speech
    Roosevelt spoke out against isolationism in a speech delivered in Chicago 1937 Called on peace-loving nations to "quarantine," or isolate, aggressor nations in order to stop the spread of war
  • Neville Chamberlain- "Peace with honor"

    Neville Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister He came home to wildly cheering crowds waving a copy of the Munich agreement, he proclaimed: "My friends,... there has come back from Germany peace with honor. I believe it is peace in out time."
  • Winston Churchill- "Appeasement"

    Chamberlain's political rival for the leadership of Great Britain In Chuchill's view of the signing of the Munich Pact Daladier and Chamberlain had adopted a shameful policy of appeasement, or giving up principles to pacify an aggressor
  • Munich Pact

    September 30,1938, French premier Edouard Daladier and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain also Hitler signed the Munich Pact, which turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a shot being fired When Chamberlain and Daladier arrived, the Fuhrer declared that the Sudetenland would be his "last territorial demand"
  • German troops march into Austria.

    German troops march into Austria.
    March 12,1939, German Toops marched into Austria unopposed, forcing Schuschnigg to resign. Two days later, Germany announced that its Anschluss, or "union," with Austria was complete.
  • Leader of U.S.-Franklin Roosevelt

    Leader of U.S.-Franklin Roosevelt
    On september 8, 1939, Rooseve;t announced that he was calling a special session of Congress to revise the Neutrality Acts. Roosevelt issued an official proclamation of neutrality as required by the Neutrality Acts. In late August 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had sent a cable to Hitler, urging him to settle his differences with the Polish people peacefully.