history of austrlia timline

  • the european

    the european
    first european to sail to austlia were the dutch in 1606 but they dident setle there
  • cap james cook

    cap james cook
    copat james cook sail around austrlia
  • british prisners

    british prisners
    british prsoners setied in austlia
  • government

    gov. officels craks boundries
  • imagrents

    by this time many free imagrents were setteing ther
  • the common welth

    the common welth
    the common welth of austrlia was astonishing
  • melbourn

    melbourn served as the nation capital until canberra
  • federal

    federal goro began to pass legstatin to help
  • australian act

    australian act
    austrlian act
  • voters

    55% of voters rejected the idea of becoming and independec