deyson australia timeline

  • the dutch and australia

    the dutch and australia
    the dutch sailed to ausralia and tried to make an establishmant but the aberigines scred them off the land
  • captain

    captain cook and his crew sailed into austraila and around it to complete a man that the dutch failed to do
  • the british

    the british
    the british prisoners made settlements in the out back of australia
  • political things

    political things
    the prisoners make state boundries
  • no more!

    no more!
    the british stop sending them prisoners
  • Money!

    the ausralians make a commom currancy
  • hometown

    the capital for australia is made
  • big help

    big help
    the british government help the australians
  • big home

    big home
    australia becomes a country
  • denial

    they dont want to become independent