Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The three slavery compromises were the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
    1. the Missouri Compromise was a compromise that made missouri a slave state and Maine a free state, the idea was a series of laws enacted in 1820 to maintain the balance of power between slave and free states. Missouri wanted to become a slave state but people refused to let them until Miane broke away and became a free state.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    the idea of the compromise of 1850 was to set a series of congressional laws to settle major disagreemants between free and slave states. to please the North , california would be known as a free state and the slave trade would be demolished in please the South congress would not pass laws regarding slavery for the rest of the territories won from mexicoand congress would pass a stronger law to help slaveholders capture runaway slaves.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    the idea of the Kansas-Nebraska act was to let people decide if a state was to be free or slave by the means of popular soverignty. The real meaning of the Kansas-Nebraska Act is an law in 1854 that established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and gave their residents the right to decide whether to allow slavery.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The 4 canidates for the 1860 election were Arbrham Lincoln who ran on the platform on stopping the spread of slavery, Jhon beckenridge who ran on the platform of slavery spreading, Stephen A. Douglas who wanted states to decide to be free or slave by the idea of popular soverignty, Jhon Bell who wanted to preserve the union.
  • Secession Crisis of 1861

    Secession Crisis of 1861
    Secession means to withdraw and that is what many southern states start doing durning 1861 after Lincoln was elected president. They were threating to succeed from th union and start there own country because they wanted slavery.
  • Firing on Ft. Sumter

    Firing on Ft. Sumter
    Near Charles town, South Carolina there was a fort that was stil under union rule while South had already suceeded from the union. Lincoln did not want to give up the fort because then he would be giving to the Confederacy. However, soon the confederacy surrounded the fort and when Major Robert anderson refused to give up the fort, they started firing upon it until Anderson and his garrisons were forced to surrender.
  • Battle of the Bull Run

    Battle of the Bull Run
    When Lincoln told the Union army to take over Richmond they would first have to defeat the Confederate troops at Manassas, Virginia. When the Union forces collided with General Irvin McDowell, This became known as the First Battle of Bull Run. When southern General Thomas J. Jackson appeared the confederate troops were the victors. When the Confederacy won the first battle it shocked the north, and the south thought the war was over.
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    Grant takes over two confederate forts; Fort Henery on the Tennesee and Fort Donelson on nearby Cumberland. The Confederacy held most of the forts in the West, but the union was quickly capturing them. Ulyesses S. Grant was the big general of the West.
  • Eastern Fronts

    Eastern Fronts
    General McClellan was the main general of the East, however he was a very cautious general and didnt let many of his troops fight. He was very short, escpesialy compared to Lincoln. Lincoln was contiuned to ask McCellan to attack Richmond, but he just contiuned to drill his troops.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    This fort was a western fort that belonged to the Union. After Grants victorious General Albert S. Johnston of the Confederacy western forts was retreating to Corninth, Mississippi was marching into ran into union forces. General Johnston was killed but was passed over to general Peirre. However, the union had forced to south to withdraw eventually, however even though Grant was the victor people begged Lincoln to replace him, but Lincoln said "I can't spare this man- he fights."
  • The fall of New orleans

    The fall of New orleans
    It was caputured by David Farragut who was part of the union. It was currently under CSA control but Farragut who was in control of a fleet attcked the CSA and caused them to surrrender. This was part of the union plan and so far they were succeding.
  • 7 days battle

    7 days battle
    This was a eastern fort controlled by the CSA by General Lee. When General McCellan of the union went to take over Richmond this is the fort he had to beat. The battle lasted 7 days and it was McClellan who had retreated evn though his army was much bigger. This ended the union threat to Virginia.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This was the bloodiest battle ever, it had belonged to the union and it was between General Lee and the General mclellan. However, it was general Mclellan who started it when Lee had drawn up some plans and forgotten them at his campsite. Mclallan was the man who found the and ruined Lee's plan. However when Lee retreated cause of the severe damage done to his army, Mclellan did not follow him and end him. This had forced Lincoln to get so mad that he fired him on November something, 1862.
  • Life for a Union soldier

    Life for a Union soldier
    Most soldiers were 18 and under and without much experience they would go off to a camp. Some big things were how much respect they showed their drill sergant, what their family was like, there amount of money, things like that. They also had to learn how to save their energy and food and make sure the water they drank was ok.
  • Life for a Confederate soldier

    Life for a Confederate soldier
    Life for a confederate soldier was quite a bit like the life of a union soldier. Both sides would have to leave home and go to war and their family constantly worrying if their dead or alive. Tons of hours of training with little food with horrible conditions. Many diseases floating and spreading all around camp and their home are just a little tent that they refered to as a "dog tent".
  • Technologys effect on war

    Technologys effect on war
    Technologys effect on war was sometimes big and small depending on what it did. With all the camp life the military technology was changing fast. The minie ball was a big improvment to the war because it gave the bullet a spin thus making it more accurate. The Ironclad warships were also a big improvment but even with all the new technology it wasn't changing the outcomes of the battles much.