kaylanas cold war timeline

  • united nations formation

    united nations formation
    represents 26 nations 5% and 6 nonpermants seats on council. made to stop wars between countries and provied a platform for dlialoge.
  • valta confrerence

    valta confrerence
    church, Rooserelt, and Stalin to dicuss what would happen to post war europe after WW1
  • Truman Doctine

    Truman Doctine
    is the cold war strategy of contaiment versus the S.U. spreading communism.
  • marshall plan

    marshall plan
    was primary program for rebuilding and creating a stonger economic foundation for the countries of western Europe.
  • NATO

    North Atlantic treaty orgaization Belguim, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburge, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, U.S., Greece, Turkey, West Germany.
  • Warsaw pact form

    Warsaw pact form
    Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania established Soviet led political- military alliance communists.
  • north korean

    north korean
    invasion of south korea.
  • Rosenberg Execution

    Rosenberg Execution
    found guilty of relaying U.S. military secrets to the S dolius and Ethel first U.S. civilrans to be sentenceed to death for espionage.
  • grmistice signed ending Korean war

    grmistice signed ending Korean war
    signed by Nrth Korea, China, UN but not South Korea
  • armistice signed ending korean war

    armistice signed ending korean war
    signed by north korea, union UN but not south korea
  • House Un-American Activites Committee

    House Un-American Activites Committee
    dedicated to conducting and promoting Un-American activites in the U.S. and to giving hardworking politicans the chance to meet celeberties.
  • Sputnik 1 launched

    Sputnik 1 launched
    96.2 minutes to orbit burned up on jan. 4 1958 upon reentering earths Atmosphere.
  • End of Mccarthyism begins

    End of Mccarthyism begins
    it ends downfalls were his false acquastitions leaning to uncostional inprisoments.
  • first American in space

    first American in space
    Apollo Kl ( fifth person to walk on the moon)
  • first man in space

    first man in space
    Yun Gagarin Vostok 3KA-3
  • Creation of Berlin Wall

    Creation of Berlin Wall
    1989 divided East Berlin and West Berlin one side communists other side note created to keep non communist away.