world war 2 timeline

  • italian invasion of ethoipia

    italian invasion of ethoipia
    Italy attacked Ethiopia with out having declared war.
  • spanish civil war

    spanish civil war
    led by General Franco the Spanish Army began a revolt against the democratic government of Spain, and civil war broke out
  • rape of nanjing in china

    rape of nanjing in china
    the period of time when 300,000 peaple were killed and 20,000 woman were raped
  • german annexation of the sudetenland

    german annexation of the sudetenland
    hitler wanted land back that he lost in the treaty of versailles
  • german invasion of poland

  • france and britain declare war on germany

  • pearl harbor

  • el-alemein

  • guadalcanal

  • stalingrad

  • D-Day

  • philippines (battle of Manila)

  • yalta conference

  • the end of the war in europe

  • Dropping of atomic bomb on hiroshima

  • Dropping of atomic bomb on nagasaki

  • the end of war in asia

  • nuremberg trails