
By period3
  • Birth

    Oprah Winfrey was born.
  • Mother's house

    Oprah leaves her grandmother's house to go live with her mom because her grandmothers too old to take care of her.
  • Father's house permanently

    Was sent to father's house because she was bad and her mother was running out of money.
  • First pagent

    First pagent
    Won first beauty pagent.
  • Miss Fire Prevention Pagent

    First black winner of Miss Fire Prevention Pagent.
  • Part-time job

    Accpets a part-time job on radio.
  • BMWW sedan car

    BMWW sedan was invented.
  • Thriller

    Micheal Jackson is famous for his hit Thriller.
  • Firts Personal Computer made

    Firts Personal Computer made
    The first personal computer made.
  • Rubiks cube

    Rubiks cube was invented
  • Princess Diana marries Price Charles

    Princess Diana marries Prince Charles.
  • The first fake heart

    The first fake heart
    The first permant heart artiffical heart was given.
  • Cabbage patch kids

    Cabbage Patch Kids become big.
  • "We are the World"

    "We are the World" is a hit when 45 famous singers sing for Africa.
  • New coke

    New coke
    Coca-Cola comes out with a new coke.
  • "The color purple"

    "The color purple"
    Oprah was the character Sophia in "The Color Purple."
  • Titanic

    Titanic was found after it sank.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft was invented by Bill Gates.
  • The Simpsons

    The Simpsons was made.
  • Pan Am flight 103 explodes

    Pam Am flight 103 explodes to a terriost bomb.
  • Exxon Valdez

    The Exxon Valdez tipped 11 million gallons of crude oil in the ocean.
  • Testifes before congress

    Testifes before congress
    Oprah testififes before congress about passing a bill about sexual abuse of children.
  • Engaged

    Engaged to Stedman Graham.
  • Won a grammy

    Oprah won a daytime grammy for the best morning talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show.