Glassburn- Myers

By period3
  • Birth

    Walter Milton Myers is Born
  • Birth

    Walter Milton Myers is Born
  • Mom dies

    Walters mom dies whole giving birth.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attacked the navel base at Pearl Harbor.
  • Myers has apendex removed

    As a kid myers had to have his apendex removed.
  • D-Day

    Allies invaded Normandy, France to put Pressure on Axies
  • Myers joins army

    Myers joins army so he wont get in trouble with the police
  • Myers gets Shipped to the artic base.

    myers get shipped to the artic base because his army basketball team lost a bet.
  • Dad dies

    While in the artic myers recieves mail stating that his biological father , Goerge , has died.
  • Myers marries Joyce

    Myers marries a pco-worked named Joyce.
  • First Kid

    First kid,girl,; Karen Elain Myer; is born
  • Micheal Myers is born

    Micheal Dean Myers is born.
  • Video Disk

    Video Disk
    the Video Disk is invented
  • First superbowl

    The first super bowl is played and the Packers win.
  • Woodstock

    Hippe festival, named woodstock after the town it was sopposed to be held in.
  • atm

    The atm is invented
  • Bobbs-Merill

    Myers works job at Bobbs-Merill Editing
  • Myers divorces Joyce

    Myers Divored joyce after 10 years of marriage
  • Milton to Dean

    Myers changes his middle name from milton to dean in honor of his foster parents.
  • Veitnam War ends

    Veitnam War ends
    the Veitnam war ends
  • Myers marries Connstance (Connie) Brendell

    Myers marries constane Bredell.
  • third kid is born

    myers third kid is born
  • Bobbs-Merill

    Myer loses job at Bobbs-Merill
  • Cell phones

    The Cell Phone comes out but is huge and pretty expensive.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    terroist plot kills dozens in an Oklahoma City Federal Building
  • Margret A. Edwards award

    Myers gets the Lifetime Acheivment of the Margret A. Edwards Award.
  • Titanic

    The 2nd most grossing movie Titanic comes out
  • Saving Private Ryan

    Saving Private Ryan
    The movie saving Private ryan comes out.