7.01 Timeline

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    7.01 Timeline

  • Iraqi Troops invade Kuwait, setting off the Persian Gulf war

    Site where the information was found Iraqi troops invaded the counrty of Kuwait. In the anger the existed the Persian Gulf War begun whci effected The United States because we came to aid to the country of Kuwait.
  • Bush and Yeltsin Procalim a formal end to the Cold War

    End of the Cold war The Cold war was a war that lasted fr many long years between the countries of Japan and America. President Bush the first and Yeltsin the ruler of Japan agreed to end the war.
  • Thousands dead in the Rwanda Massacre

    Rwanda Massacre The Rwanda Massacre which was a result of two different tribes whom had disputes took place in the year of 1994. A well known documentary was filmed called "Hotel Rwanda" for those of you who wish to learn more on this subject
  • U.S rescues the Mexico economy with 20 Billion dollar aid

    Aid to Mexico The country of Mexico was greatly suffering due to its week econony and was on the brink of disaster when the United States stepped in and aided them in the 20 billion program to help them get back on their feet.
  • Britain frightened by the outbreak of the Mad Cow Disease

    Mad Cow DiseaseThe outbreak ofthe Mad Cow Disease to place in Britain. It was/is a disease where the brain swells until the victim is mad with horrid symptoms. This caused a great downfall in the meat packing industry and rancher who raised cows for a living, thus effected certain agricultural measures in the United States.
  • Clinton orders first air strike on Iraq

    First air strike to Iraq President Clinton of the United States orders the first air strike on the country of Iraq starting a long road to a war with Iraq.
  • US and Britain launch war against Iraq

    Britain and US attack IraqThe United States and Britain launch war as one on the country of Iraq, starting one of the many series of attacks on the country leading to a long road of battle ahead.
  • Enormous Tsunami Devastates Asia Killing 200,000

    TsunamiAn enormous Tsunami hits Indonesia starting from an earthquake that took place in the oceans, literally happening within minutes giving the people little warning to flee. The US tries to send help to the suffering people.
  • Pope John Paul II dies

    Pope John Paul Dies Pope John Paul dies of the Cathiolic church causing many hundreds of thousands/millions to weep for his death and begin the prosess of finding a new Pope to take his place
  • U.S begins its surge of 30,000 troops to Iraq

    Troops sent in surge U.S sends a surge of troops to the country of Iraq, creating disputed thoughts for the poeple of the United States.