Hitler breaks Non-Aggression agreement and invades the Soviet Union
The Nazi party wanted to bulid a motorway and railway between East Prussia and Germany. The Soviets refused and Hitler broke the non-Aggression pact. -
U-boats since merchant vessels
U-boats are undersea boats. Germans had the U-boats and they sunk their first merchant vessel on this date, -
Japan joins Axis
Pacific fleet is based at Pearl Harbor. -
Battle of Britain
The battle that German had against British airforce Germany wanted to gain the most control in the air over Britian. It was the first major battle to be fought entirely by airforces, Germany failed. -
Vichy France begins
The Nazis defeated France and the vote of the National Assembly which gave the President of France more power. It aimed at "regenarating the Nation." -
FDR approves "shoot on sight"
US Navy planes to shoot on sight if any US leases aid to Soviet Union. -
Pearl Harbor attacked
This was an unnaccounded miltary strike when the Japanese Army attacked the islands of Hawaii. This resulted in the United States entrance into WW2. The Japanese sunk four U.S. battleships and did much more damage. -
Japanese ambassadors arrive in Washington, DC
They met shortly before the Pearl Harbor attack. -
Germany and Italy declare war on US
Three days before Germany and Italy declared war on US, the US had declared war with Japan. Germany and Italy claimed that they had to go to war with US because Japan was their ally. Hitler blamed the US for the outbreak of war. -
MacArthur promises to return
President Roosevelt orders MacArthur to leave the Philippines and go to Austrilia, he promises he will return to the Philippines. -
Bataan death march
The march to concertation camps in the Philippines. This happened because the Japan captured Americans. -
Battle of Coral Sea
This was a battle against the Japan and The U.S, and other allied forces. It was the first battle in which aircraft carriers fought eachother. It was also the first battle in which neither sides ships fired directly at eachother. . The battle of the Coral Sea was the first battle in history that was fought completely naval. The goal of the Japanese was to go to Austrila, but they failed. -
Battle of Midway
The United States Navy defeated an Imperal Japanese Navy. This put damage on Japan. This happened because the Japanese threatened to elimate the United States because of Pearl Harbor. The battle of Midway was important because the Japanese attacked without warning and the US came out on top. The Japanese objective was to take Hawaii, they were not successful. They got half way "midway". -
Americans landed on the Guadalcanal Islands, making sure the Japanese did not use them, because the Japanese would threaten supply between the U.S. Austrila, and New Zeland. The Japanese tried to overtake the islands many times, but gave up. -
General Eisenhower and his forces land in North Africa
"Operation Torch" this was the Birtish and American iinvasion of French North Africa. The goal of this attack was to make it easier to attack Southern Europe, General Eisenhower was important because he was Supreme Commander and allied forces with europe. After Northern Africa was taken over he oversaw the invasion of Sciliy and the invasion of the Italian mainland. -
End of Battle of Stalingrad
The Soviets won, at then end, it was one of the bloodiest battles in histroy. There were 91,000 German prisioners captured, and only 5,000 of them returned. The German's were sent to larbor camps and most died of typhus. -
Sicily falls
British,Canada,and America invaded Sicily. The German and Italy allied forces lost to British, Canada, and America. And the island of Sicily was captured. -
Rome Falls
The Germans moved out of Rome, and allied forces moved in on this date. The people of Rome were excited. -
An Air Assualt from the United States and Britian landed on the beaches of Normandy, France. They used code names to give the Germans the wrong idea of where they were landing. D-day took place along the beaches of Normandy, France on June 6th, 1944. The overall commander of D-day was General Dwight D. Eisenhower The major objective of D-day was o fight Nazi Germany and gain control of France. outcome was so important because the allied forces came out on top of the Axis powers; losing bothere -
MacArthur returns
MacArthur returns to the philippines as he promised he would. 3 prong attack-prong 1- Adm. Nitmitz from Hawaii to Philippines. Prong 2-Sweep up from Austrlia Gen. MacArtuhur and Adm Halsey (water) Prong 3-work into "back door" of China Gen. Stilwell. Wanted to send supplies to China but Japanese close Burman Rd. "flying the hump" Bulid new road named Stilwell road which replaced Burman Rd. -
Kamikaze attacks begin
The role of kamikaze pilots are Japanese sucicide attacks on American warships, in the last year of World War 2. This was the Japanese last attempt to balance the American forces. This took much of the last of the Japanese men and supplies, it sunk 36 American ships. The kamikaze blew their selfs up on ships being dropped by planes. The message sent by Japan was that they were fearless and that they would do anything to win. -
Battle of the Bulge
The Germans invaded the French forest towards the end of WW2, they did this to try to protect from allied powers, such as the U.S. rom the German point of view the major objective was to watch the Rhineland, and split the British and American allied line in half, it was not successful the allied powers won. Germany felt that this would help them divide and conquer by pushing the powers into their homeland. The role that General George Patton and General Tony McAuliffe played were that McAuliff -
US flag raised on Mt. Suribachi
The US flag was raised during the battle of Iwo Jima. This flag was raised after Mt. Suruibachi was captured. The picture is famous, and three out of the six people in the picture were killed at battle. -
Okinawa taken
The battle of Iwo Jima was a battle for the capture of Iwo Jima from Japan, the United States won. It was fought February 19th to March 26th 1945. The people crawled out of the mountain because there were cracks and they were hiding. The mountain was Mt. Suribachi the Americans captured it, at the end. A lot of people were killed. The battle of Okinawa was an 82 day long battle. It was fought between Japan and the United States and was the largest ambitious battle fought in the pacific.The last -
Truman becomes president
Truman ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on Japan, as president. After Japan surrended. -
Hitler commits suicide
Hitler said his final fairwells to everyone then went back to his room. A few moments later a gunshot was heard, people entered and Hitler was found sprawled out on his sofa. HIs wife died from swallowing posion. -
V-E Day
Victory in Europe day, WW2 allies accepted the surrender of Nazi's, Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich, -
Truman ordered the dropping of the atomic bomb over Horoshima. -
This was the last city in the world to be under a atomic bomb attack. This happened after herosima, over 73,000 killed, and over 74,000 injured. -
V-J Day
Victory over Japan Day, On this day Japan surrender which ended WW2. Japan accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declartion, and it was broadcasted on their radio, the Japanese surrendered. -
formal surrender of Japan
Officals from Japan Government signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on the U.S. battleship Missiouri, which ended World War 2.