Otto von Bismark's Rise to Power
In 1861 Prussias new king was William I following year Otto von Bismark was apointed to the Prussian cabinet. Bismark made the Prussian army powerful but he need money for his army so he asked parliment for funding and they refused. When they turned down his funding he went and collected taxes with out approval. He believe that only the state should have power and not the people -
Danish war
When Denmark decided to make a new constitution Prussia and Austria deiced to declare war when the new constitution wasn't revoked. In 1864 after 3 months of war Denmark deiced to give up they gave Austria and Prussia two states. The two states were Holstein and Schleswig. -
Sevens Weeks' War
Otto von Bismark provoked Austria into delcaring war on Prussia. Bismarks troops used trains teleographs and up to date weapons to take down Austria down quickly. Prussia also aliened its self with Italy to take down Austria. When the war was done Italy got Venetia and Prussia gained Holstein. -
Franco-Prussian War
Otto Von Bismark changed a teleograph so it sound as if the king had insulted the Frensh ambassador. When the teleograph became publice the Frensh decied to delcare war. When Bismark did this the norther german states went and unified. France lost Alsace and a little bit of Lorraine. -
Fromation of the German Empire
German states met in the Hall of Mirrors in Versaille where they delcared them selves the German Empire,all 25 states were unified by a constitution. The emperor became King William I. Otto von Bismark became cheif minister of Germany and Prussia. Berlin became the capital of Germany.