chapter 25.2 the unification of Germany Ian Jackson

  • Prussia's Downfall

    Prussia's Downfall
    Napoleon 1 defeated prussia and clearly dominated for a good seven years. He siezed the lands and the army of the now weak prussia. Napoleon's rule had inspired nationalism to many German states.
  • Unification of Germany

    Upsprising broke out in France in 1848, when demands for liberal reforms followed throughout the German states. Later elections were held for repersentatives to a national assembly in Frankfurt to try to unify Germany. German unification would be accomplished by a king and his aggressive prime minister.
  • Danish War

    After the three Months of fighting,Denmark surrendered but he was fully hoping for help from France and Great Britian but neither of them acted to help him. The peace treaty gave the two duchies to Prussia and Austria jointly. That made more of a conflict later between them.
  • Seven Weeks War began

    Seven Weeks War began
    Bismark finally forced Austria to declare war on Prussiain 1866 over the Schleswig and Holstein altercation. Prussia took advantage of this oppertunity. They moved by train, communicated by telegraph, used modern weaponry once that was done they defeated the powerful Austrians in only seven weeks.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    Napoleon III surrendered in September, and his government fell down. Paris though remained seige until it surrendered in January 1871. And most of the France was occupied by German troops.