• The Non-Aggression Pact

    The Non-Aggression Pact
    This pact was an international treaty between two or more states agreeing to aviod war or armed conflict. They believed that they should work through their problems with peaceful negotiations. These agreements, however, didn't always work out. An example of this would be when Nazi Germany invated the Soviet Union.
  • Japanese invades Manchuria

    Japanese invades Manchuria
    The Japanses Kwangtung Army attacked the Chinese troops in Manchuria. Japan, led by General Togo, annexed the Chinese province of Manchuria.Their ultimate goal was to extend the Japanese Empire, and be dominant over East Asia. This event created a lot of battles within East Asia, and the fighting lasted until the end of WW11.
  • Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire was a building that set fire in Berlin. Today, historians believe that this was no accident and that it was set up by Nazi Germany. Coincidentally, Adolf Hitler just 4 weeks before the fire, became Chacellor of Germany. This fire casue fear to the Germans
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Roosevelt was commonly referred to FDR, who was the United States President during the depression and WW2. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, FDR immediately went to war against Japan. FDR had many accomplishments during his presidency. Following his "New Deals" FDR came up with the Lend-Lease Bill and the Nuetrality act. FDR successful helped the U.S. out of the economic crisis by sending us into the war zone.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party( Also known as the Nazi party) during WW11. He was a totalitarian leader of Germany from 1933-1945 and known as the Fuhrer. Before this Hitler was a failed artist and was wounded twice in WW1. Hitler was engaged in many gruesome and violent acts during WW11, such as murdering millions in the Holocaust. He was a apart of the Axis Alliance, and violated the treaty of Versailles.
  • FDR's Quarantine Speech

    FDR's Quarantine Speech
    This speech was given by the U.S president, FDR in Chicago. Although there were no countries specifically mentioned his speech was mainly directed towards Germany, Japan, and Italy. He argues for the quarantine of "lawless nations". This speech reflected off the U.S.'s isolationist views at the time.
  • Panay Incident

    Panay Incident
    The USS Panay was sunk by a Japan warship entiltled the Yokosuka B4Y. The USS Panay was a navy ship that was in charge of patrolling the Yangtze River, to protect American lives and property. Joseph C. Grew, the ambassador from America to Japan, feared that this inncident would break diplomatic ties between the two countries.
  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    Anschluss, which was located in Austria, was annexed by the Nazi party after many years of Germany's pressure This initially violated the Treaty of Versailles. Hitlers goal from the start was to take over the land that Germany had lost during WW1. When there was a vote on whether to merge with Germany or stay independent, the vote was to merge with Germany.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Held in Munich, NaziGermany, Russia, Italy, Frace, Britain, all came together to discuss what action they would take concerning Germany's aggression towards Czechoslovakia. Hitler wanted to take over Sudetedland, Czechoslovakia, and the Countries present agreed to it and signed it over to Germany. Basically, the powers of Europe wanted Hitler to end his expansion. Today, this conference is known as a failed act of appeasement.
  • The Start of WW11

    The Start of WW11
    This great war included almost all of the worlds Nations. It was divided into two forces: the Allies and the Axis. It started when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Many countries, at first, were not involved, but after the Germans attacked the soviet union and the attack on Pearl Harbor, the countries combined into their two forces. Overall, it is known to be the bloodiest conflicts in human history.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain was a name given to the air campaign by the German Air Force against the United Kingdom in the fall of 1940. The German Luftwaffe gave everything it had to destroy England. This airwar, which lasted six weeks, cost Britian more than $900 planes, thousands of lives, and down to only $2 million in gold reserves. After this, FDR did everything in his power to assist the British.
  • Axis

    The Axis powers were also referred to as the Axis Nations, Axis Alliance, and the Axis Countries. It consisted of three main countries, which were Japan, Italy and Germany. Each were lead by a powerful dictator. They were faught by their enemies, the Allies, who were countries trying to eliminate these dictators objectives. They wanted world domination and expansion.
  • Allies

    Allies were countries who were either threatened or invaded by the Axis Alliance. The three biggest Countries were the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Union Soviet Socialist Republicans. FDR referred to them as the "Trusteeship of the Powerful." Thier main goal was to stop the Axis powers from expansion and domination.
  • America First Committee

    America First Committee
    Consisting of 800,000 members, the AFC was the largest anti-war group in America. Orgionated from Yale University, the AFC became the most powerful isolationist organization. Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were two famous isolationists in this committee. This organization ended, however, after the attack at Pearl harbor in 1941.
  • Lend-Lease Bill

    Lend-Lease Bill
    In December of 1940, President FDR made a brilliant speech at a national Press conference regarding his unique concept that he came up with entitled the Lend-Lease Act. (This later changed into the Lend-Lease Bill). This Bill stated that the United States granted aid to other countries who were willingto defend the United States. The U.S. then supplied other countries with tanks, war planes and ships.