• Telephone

    Video on Alexander BellAlexander Graham Bell is the person most widely credited as the inventor of the electric telephone. On March 7th 1876 he became the first to receive a patent for this device, and at that time resided in Salem, Massachusetts
  • The Automobile

    Karl Benz of Germany, granted 1st patent. It was the first true automobile. Gasoline automobile powered by an internal combustion engine. It had three wheels, Four cycle, engine and chassis form a single unit.
  • Air Conditioner

    In 1902, the first air conditioning was created. The new air conditioning machine created a stable environment and aligned four-color printing became possible.
  • Airplanes

    Today airplanes are a big help to our lifestyle. We can get places faster than ever before. The Wright brothers studied how birds flew and wanted to invent something that would allow humans to do the same. On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright took the "Flyer" for a 12-second, sustained flight, this was the first successful, powered, piloted flight in history.
  • Television

    Scottish inventor, John Logie Baird, the father of this pervasive technology, first publicly demonstrated television on 26 January 1926.
  • Computers

    Konrad Zuse of Z1 Computer, invented the first freely programmable computer.
  • Radio

    Gugliegmo Marconi was an Italian inventor, and was credited with the invention of the radio, but he was later proven to have used 17 of Nikola Tesla's patents. In 1943, the radio patent by a vote by the United States Congress was reversed and given to Nikola Tesla.
  • The Calculator

    The Calculator
    Blaise Pascal worked on the calculator for three years between 1942 and 1945. This calculator, called the Pascaline, was like a mechanical calculator of the 1940s. He created it to help his father with tax collecting.
  • Modern Printer

    A high-speed printer was developed by Remington-Rand for the Univac computer in 1953. In the past there were other printers but they did not funtion as well.
  • E-Mail

    Long before the World Wide Web, email was the dominant communication method on the Internet. Ray Tomlinson developed in 1971 the first email system that worked over the early Internet. Email ris still the most important application of the Internet and the most widely used facility it has. Now more than 600 million people internationally use email.
  • Cell Phone

    Martin Cooper is considered the inventor of the first portable headset and the first person to make a call on a portable cell phone in April 1973.
  • Internet

    In a research paper published in 1974, Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn proposed a protocol they called "TCP". Cerf and Kahn didn't realize it at the time, but the protocol they invented would later become IP, the official network-layer protocol of the Internet.
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    His invention began in 1975 with a very broad assignment from his supervisor at Eastman Kodak Company.
  • Laptop

    One of the most important steps in the history of the laptop is the one taken in 1981 by Adam Osborn and the Osborn computer Corporation that released the worlds first portable computer on the market at a price of $1795
  • Wireless internet

    he precursor to Wi-Fi was invented in 1991 by NCR Corporation/AT&T (later Lucent & Agere Systems) in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands. It was initially intended for cashier systems
  • DVD Player

    The first proposals for the manufacture and sale of high-density DVD's were made in 1993. DVD has evolved from the CD and other technologies that were related to it.
  • Modern GPS

    The first satellite in the modern GPS is launched. It is not until the year 2000, though, that President Clinton grants nonmilitary users access to an unscrambled GPS signal. Now, cheap, handheld GPS units can determine a person's location to within 3 yards
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Co. of Kyoto, Japan,built the original Nintendo Entertainment System in 1983. Around 2001 they started the concept of the Wii, and not till 2003 was it created, And 2005 it was selling and up and running throught stores.
  • PSP

    The psp was invented in 2006 it was a great advance in the playstation technology. There is not one person who invented the psp, it was a groupof engineers in Japan that took credit for the entire psp creation.
  • iPod touch

    iPod touch
    iPod touch guided tour
    It was brought to the general public on September 5, 2007. The very first iPod was invented by a British man called Kane Kramer in 1979. The iPod touch is a portable media player, personal digital assistant, and Wi-Fi mobile platform designed and marketed by Apple Inc.

    "The History of Email." The History of Email. Web. 9 Mar. 2010. < of the Internet/email.html>. "IPod Touch." IPod Touch. Wikipedia. Web. 9 Mar. 2010. "Inventions: a to Z." Inventions: a to Z. Web. 9 Mar. 2010. "When Was the Automobile Invented?" Review. Weblog post. When Was the Automobile Invented. Wikipedia. Web. 11 Mar. 2010. <http://wiki.ans