Beginning American Gov.

  • Ratification of the new government under the Consitution

    Ratification of the new government under the Consitution
    The U.S constitution Is the supreme law in the U.S. there are three main branches in the consitution there is the legislature, supreme court, and bicameral congress.
  • George Washington our first president

    George Washington our first president
    the information about george washington The website above gives some information about our first president George Washington George was in the office in 1789-1797.
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    Bill or rights The bill of rights was written after the consitution that had been ratified that was ny James Maddison that took place in philiadedphia at the pennsylvania State House.
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes president

    Thomas Jefferson becomes president
    Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was the third president he was in the office for 8 years he was the principal author of the declaration of Independence.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase The louisiana Purchase was The french territory and there was 14 states that was part of the Louuisiana Purchase.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The war of 1812. The war between 1812 was fought by Untied States and the British it lasted for 3 years.
  • Slavery Issue

    Slavery Issue
    slavery issue Slavery was officially established in Virgina in 1654 when Anthony Johnson a black man convicted a court that his servent john casor was his for his life.
  • Election of Andrew ackson

    Election of Andrew 
    Andrew Jacson information This website contains information in reguards to andrew Jackson and his life.
  • Removal of Idians from their land. "Tears of tears"

    Removal of Idians from their land. "Tears of tears" The indians was forced to be removed from their homes. many indians died on the trail of tears going from place to place.
  • The battle for the alamo

    The battle for the alamo
    Battle of Alamo Feburuary 23 - March 6, 1863 was a pivotal event in Texas Revolution
  • Cotton Production "king Cotton". Invention of Cotton Gin.

    Cotton Production "king Cotton". Invention of Cotton Gin.
    King cotton the site above talks about the inventor of the cotton gin and what it`s use.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Civil War. Led by jefferson davis, they fought against the United States the union, which was supported by all the free states and the five border slave states.