The line time United States of America

  • John Adams

    John Adams
    He was the second presisndet of the united state of america on (1797–1801) .and after being the first Vice President (1789–1797) for two terms
  • General William Henry Harrison

    General William Henry Harrison
    he was the ninth President of the United States and he was the last president born before the United States Declaration of Independence
  • The Declaration of The Independece

    The Declaration of The Independece
    Was a statement adopted by the second continental congress .which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were now independent states, and thus no longer a part of the British Empire
  • Monroe James

    Monroe James
    Monroe wins reelection and only loses one vote era of good feelings
  • General Andrews Jackson

    General Andrews Jackson
    He stoped the war in the second war witn seminoles from 1835 to 1842.
  • Adams-Onis treaty

    Adams-Onis treaty
    Was the first reaty made in washinton his autor was John Quincy Adams.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The want to made the doctrine for the different country like europe and america futher affort very away
  • Jhon Quincy Adams

    Jhon Quincy Adams
    He gift 17 year of his life of the u.s representative .he was the sixth president of united state .. He was also an American diplomat and served in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
  • The Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal
    The canal was opened because they need cross of great lakes througth atlantic oceans . and the canal was the way most used and important for the trade
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Nat Turner wa a black man he was religious and was a religious person knew him as the prophet. The rebellion began in Virginia when the sun was eclipsed and the thought that God told him he wanted to be free then began the battal and started to kill all the white race and free the black
  • Texas Becomes an Independent Nation

    Texas Becomes an Independent Nation
    Everything started with the problems of gobireno Mexican and Anglo-Saxon settlers in Texas began with the promulgation of the Costitucion cantralista known as the 7 states
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    Refers to the transfer of persons of Choctaw and Cherokee to the west of usa. IMMIGRATION because of this Cherokee Indians died enough. and the treaty was based on denew ¨ Echota Treaty that they were doing was sharing Native American territory in the east by other west of the Mississippi River but that treaty was never accepted by the leaders of the tribe nor ellagic acid by the majority of the Cherokee people .
  • Prairie Schooners

    Prairie Schooners
    Was the most important vehicle for transportation ans trade in this time the name of the country most used was oregon and california
  • The U.S Declare War on Mexico

    The U.S Declare War on Mexico
    Armed conflict was initiated by us expansionist claims against Mexico, the first was to take texas the republic wanted to create as texas. Also the roots of conflict lie in different development that had the Mexican and American companies, whose characteristics in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • Gol is Discovered in California

    Gol is Discovered in California
    It was called the gold rush that had much gold in California by the discovery that gold in California had been many differente immigrants from those countries that later were called were called Forty-niners
  • The Fugitive Slave Law is Passed

    The Fugitive Slave Law is Passed
    He did all the personal liberty laws null and void. P The applicant or his representative, could reclaim the fugitive just grab a Black person who fit the description of the fugitives. The judge decided the identity of the fugitive, based entirely on the testimony of the slave owner or slave receiver. And if the fugitive was returned to its owner, the judge received ten dollars from the federal government, but if the judge ruled in favor of the defendant, who was only five dollars. Additionally,
  • The Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase
    Mallisa selling was purchased from Mexico by the United States and and the treaty was signed by President Franklin Pieces and Mexican dictator Antonio López de Santa Anna
  • The Nineteenth Amendment

    The Nineteenth Amendment
    On January 9, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson announced his support of the amendment. the United States Constitution prohibits each state and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote because of that citizen's sex.
  • The Emergency Quota Act

    The Emergency Quota Act
    In the United States, the Emergency Quota Act also known as the Emergency immigration Act of May 19, 1921 was an immigration quota that limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 3% of the number of persons from that country living in the United States in 1910, according to United States Census figures.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Wyoming Democratic Senator John Kendrick introduced a resolution that set in motion one of the most significant investigations in Senate history.Naval petroleum reserve at Wyoming's Teapot Dome to a private oil company. Wisconsin Republican Senator Robert La Follette arranged for the Senate Committee on Public Lands to investigate the matter. His suspicions deepened after someone ransacked his quarters in the Senate Office Building
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    The Jazz Singer (1927) is an American musical film. The first feature-length motion picture with synchronized dialogue sequences, its release heralded the commercial ascendance of the "talkies" and the decline of the silent film era.The story begins with young Jakie Rabinowitz defying the traditions of his devout Jewish family by singing popular tunes in a beer hall. Punished by his father, a cantor, Jakie runs away from home
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    This the first compromise in this time for change the state missouri was called slave state and maine was called free state