
Mapping Associates Body of Work

By mgt
  • Realtor Infrormation Network - RIN

    Began a project with RIN a subsidary of the National Association of Realtors which lead to the creation of GIS Data Server (GDS). GDS became ESRI's first internet map serving technology and the seed for ArcIMS, ESRI first enterprise level Internet map server product.
  • Space Imaging

    Provided online mapping support for Space Imaging (now Digital Globe) web based imagery ordering system. Leveraging a hosted version of GIS Data Server on a SUN E5800 donated by SUN.
  • Realtor.COM

    Began full time commercial map service hosting for Realtor.COM the spin off from RIN, later to become apart of MOVE.COM. These basic mapping services, mapimage, geocoding and placefinder were the early precursor of ArcWeb Services.
  • ArcIMS 3.0 Beta 1 Released

    ArcIMS 3.0 Beta 1 Released
    The first version of ArcIMS is released as Beta 1. ArcIMS would go on in full release to become the widest used commercial Internet Map Server technology with + 75,000 sites worldwide.
  • NGS MapMachine

    NGS MapMachine
    National Geographic MapMachine MapMachine is launched during GIS Week and is immediately swamped with interest from the NGS faithful and Internet curious. MM grows to more that 50% of ng.com's daily web traffic. It provides the basic street and image maps but also dozens of analytic map overlays and the ability to create and print your own custom maps.
  • The Geography Network

    The Geography Network
    The Geography Network The Geography Network is ESRI's online mapping content clearinghouse. Released at the same time as ArcIMS the GN allowed users to publish their ArcIMS mapping services and register them so others could find and use them.
  • MapShop Version 1.0 is Launched

    MapShop Version 1.0 is Launched
    MapStudio by ESRI Initially called MapShop. This application provides news paper like USA Today the ability to create a custom map online in minutes! It launched inconjunction with the presidential election that year and was used to map the results of the election by Associated Press.
  • ArcExplorer Web Edition

    ArcExplorer Web Edition
    ArcExplorer Web Edition ArcExplorer Web Edition provided an online web based capability similar to ArcExplorer Java Edition, allowing users to access, view and mashup maps from a wide range of map server types including ArcIMS and OGC compliant servers serving WMS and WFS map services.
  • ArcWeb Services Launched

    ArcWeb Services Launched
    Version 1.0 of ArcWeb Services is launched!
  • ArcWeb Services V 2.0 SOAP API

    ArcWeb Services V 2.0 SOAP API
    ArcWeb Services SOAP API AWS SOAP APIs provided users with the ability to access GIS for the first time as web services using a range of SOAP implementation and development platforms.
  • ArcWeb Services OpenLS API

    ArcWeb Services OpenLS API
    ArcWeb Services OpenLS API The OpenLS API for ArcWeb provide an industry standard protocol for users in emerging Location Based Services market to access GIS Web Services from ESRI. ArcWeb staff serve as Editor of the OpenLS specification as well.
  • ArcWe Services Portal

    ArcWe Services Portal
    ArcWeb Services Portal The ArcWeb Services Portal provides users with full rights management and administration tools to manage their accounts, analyze usage, as well as, to load and manage data remotely on AWS infrastructure.
  • ArcWeb Explorer V 1.0/2.0

    ArcWeb Explorer V 1.0/2.0
    ArcWeb Explorer V 1.0 ArcWeb Explorer provides a working example of the new Flash based developer tools that will be made available in the next release of AWS/X. It provides a very fast, intuitive Rich Internet Application experience for users new to GIS and mapping. It is a big hit at the ESRI Internation User Conference that year.
  • ArcWeb Services Build

    ArcWeb Services Build
    ArcWeb Services Build Tools The AWS Build Tools allow users to not only upload and manage data remotely on AWS servers but create new map services from existing services adding user defined data to create completely customer map and query services available to them through all the AWS APIs.
  • ArcWeb Services Flex & JavaScript APIs

    ArcWeb Services Flex & JavaScript APIs
    ArcWeb Explorer Flex API
    ArcWeb Explorer JavaScript API These two new APIs allow users to rapidly build Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) using the latest web scripting language and leverage the power of Adobe's Flash / Flex platform.
  • ArcWeb Services J2ME Mobile Toolkit

    ArcWeb Services J2ME Mobile Toolkit
    ArcWeb Services J2ME Mobile Toolkit The J2ME Mobile ToolKit provides mobile device developers to build native Java applications that use GIS Web Services from ESRI. ArcWeb staff serve on the JSR 179 - Location Services API expert panel as part of the Java Community Process.
  • ArcWeb Explorer V 3.0

    ArcWeb Explorer V 3.0
    ArcWeb Explorer V2.0 with Flex 3 AWX 3.0 provides full support for Flex 3 and exposes a plugin API for developers to build their own custom extensions. BusinessMap Web, MetaLens and MapStudio all rely on this easy extensibility.
  • NGS MetaLens Beta

    NGS MetaLens Beta
    NGS MetaLens MetaLens built by National Geographic using AWS/X is used internally at National Geographic to geographic reference and catalog their extensive archives of photos, video, audio and other documents. Custom versions of MetaLens are also deployed on the NGS website to allow NGS to present various events and expeditions in map narritive form.
  • BusinessMap Web 2.0 Beta

    BusinessMap Web 2.0 Beta
    BusinessMap Web 2.0 Beta BusinessMap Web 2.0 provided an online capability for business owners to visualize, analyze and map their customers and competitors, as well as, build custom maps for presentation. It represented a migration from a CD based product to a web based SaaS product. Built on AWS/X.
  • MapStudio Version 3 Beta

    MapStudio Version 3 Beta
    MapStudio Beta 2 This greatly updated version of MapStudio sporting the NGS Brand is built on AWS/X V4.0 and Adobe Flash/Flex/AIR 3.0 provides a very Web 2.0 experience for users. And it is much faster too!
  • World Economic Forum Innovation Heat Map

    World Economic Forum Innovation Heat Map
    World Economic Forum Innovation Heat Map The World Economic Forum in conjunction with McKinsey & CO and SAS Institute select AWS/X to serve as the platform for a global innovation statistical map application. The IHM is presented at the Forum's Davos Summit in January of 2008 and later a public web version at Innovation 100 Conference, with strong interest from the participants and the international press.
  • Product Consulting Poly9, Inc

    Product Consulting Poly9, Inc
    Poly9, Inc.
    MA worked with Poly9 executives to build an online map creation product strategy for the company.
  • Technology roadmap consulting for ConsultingWhere, Ltd.

    Technology roadmap consulting for ConsultingWhere, Ltd.
    ConsultingWhere, Ltd. Developed a technology roadmap for ConsultingWhere's engagement with a key UK government customer.
  • Product and business consulting for i-cubed

    Product and business consulting for i-cubed
    i-cubed, inc. MA principles provided business and product consulting support to help i-cubed develop a strategic plan.
  • Product and business strategic planning for PenBayMedia, Inc

    Product and business strategic planning for PenBayMedia, Inc
    Pen Bay Media, Inc. MA principal's provided strategic software product and business consulting to Pen Bay Media leadership.
  • Business development support for CyberTech, Inc

    Business development support for CyberTech, Inc
    CyberTech, Inc. MA provides business development support for CyberTech executives engaged with customer needing realtime geospatially enabled surveillance IT infrastructure.
  • Product development and managment leadership to LiveGlobe, Inc

    Product development and managment leadership to LiveGlobe, Inc
    LiveGlobe, Inc. MA principal's are providing product management and development leadership to LiveGlobe.