us history

  • jamestowm

    jamestown settle in virginia
  • mayflower compact

    mayflower compact
    mayflower compact was wrote by pilgrims
  • George washington

    George washington
    George washington served as a president
  • the first continental congress

    the first continental congress
    the first continental congress
  • Period: to

    the american revolution

    the american revolution stared when british began a series of actions against the colonies that the colonists did not welcome
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    declaration of independence was aproved
  • the treaty of paris

    the treaty of paris
    great britain signed the treaty of paris
  • the great compromise

    the great compromise
    the graet compromise was singned
  • the fugitive slave law is passed

    the fugitive slave law is passed
  • John adams

    John adams
    John adams became the second precident
  • thomas jefferson

    thomas jefferson
    thomas jefferson became the third precident
  • James madison

    James madison
    james madison became the four precident during 1812 war
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    the war starte in the precindence of john madison
  • General Andrew Jackson invades florida to stop seminole attacks

    General Andrew Jackson invades florida to stop seminole attacks
  • The Adams -Onis Treaty is signed,giving Floridato the U.S.

    The  Adams -Onis Treaty is signed,giving Floridato the U.S.
  • Monroe wins reelection and only loses one vote [ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS]

    Monroe wins reelection and only loses one vote [ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS]
  • The Missouri Compromise is approved

    The Missouri Compromise is approved
  • John Quincy Adams is elected 6th president in a close election (so close that it was decided by the house of representatives)

    John Quincy Adams is elected 6th president in a close election (so close that it was decided by the house of representatives)
  • the erie canal opens

    the erie canal opens
  • Nat Turner's rebellion

    Nat Turner's rebellion
    Nat Turner's was the most serius slave revolt in american history. he and a big group of slaves make a rebellion againts their owners and they kill a lot people and inocent people,the did that because all of them wanted be free that right
  • Texas became an independent nation

    Texas became an independent nation
    texas won the war on the Alamo in then texas make they own independent nation
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    jackson wanted decrase the fighting amoung the settles and the american indians and he made the removal act of 1830 this make the american indians left their home and their lands and a lot people died in the road because it was too danger in that time rain a lot, the has cross desert but some of them get to their destiny
  • the u.s. declares war on mexico

    the u.s. declares war on mexico
  • gold is discovered in california

    gold is discovered in california
  • Uncle Tom's cabin is published

    Uncle Tom's cabin is published
  • president Franklin Pierce make the gadsden purchase

    president Franklin Pierce make the gadsden purchase
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act is passed

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act is passed
  • Theconfederates states of america are formed

    Theconfederates states of america are formed
    set up from 1861 to 1865 by eleven southern slave states of the United States of America that had declared their secession from the U.S. The CSA's de facto control over its claimed territory varied during the course of the American Civil War, depending on the success of its military in battle.
  • Abraham Lincoln became president

    Abraham Lincoln became president

    declared the freedom of all slaves in any state of the Confederate States of America that did not return to Union control by January 1, 1863. The second order, issued January 1, 1863, named ten specific states where it would apply.
  • The union defeated the confederates at the battle os GETTYSBURG

    The union defeated the confederates at the battle os  GETTYSBURG
    fought in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, as part of the Gettysburg Campaign, was the battle with the largest number of casualties in the American Civil War[

    fought on the morning of April 9, 1865, was the final engagement of Confederate States Army General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia before it surrendered to the Union Army under Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, and one of the last battles of the American Civil War.