The Odyssey Timeline

  • Cicones

    The Cicones were allies with the Trojans during the Trojan War. This made the tribe enimies of Odysseus. Odysseus and his crew plundered and murdered people in the city. The Ciconian army killed 72 of Odysseus's men causing the rest to sail away.
  • Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    After Odysseus and his crew left Cicones they happened to sail by Malea. After 9 days of stormy seas they washed up on the island of the lotus eaters. Three men went on to see what race inhabited the island only to stay there entranced by the Lotus Plant not wanting to return home. Odysseus rescued the three men and to keep them from returning to the island and he tied them to the ship. Odysseus warned his crew of the danger so they remained on the ship.
  • Polyphemus

    Odysseus and his crew come opon a man eating Cyclopes which inhabited island and out of Odysseus' curiosity he decides to explore the island. When he falls into the hands of one of the man eating Cyclopese he must use his cunning trickery skills to escape. As he sails away taunting the monster he is cursed by Poseidon.
  • Sees Ithica with help of the wind god

    Sees Ithica with help of the wind god
    The bag of good winds takes the ship withen sight of Ithica, but his greedy minded crew opens the bag of bad winds which pushes them away from Ithica and back to Aeolus. Odysseus asks the king for another bag but he refueses thinking that the gods are against Odysseus and cursed him.
  • Laestrygones

    They stop briefly at the Laestrygones and the giant Laestygones threw bolders at them, Only Odysseus' ship survives the bombardment.
  • Circe

    When some of Odysseus' men go and explore the island of Circe they see her house. Being entrigued, they go and knock on the door. Circe feeds them like kings, although the wine is is her trap to turn them into pigs. Odysseus threatens Circe to turn them back into men and after a year of being held captive, she agrees to only turn them back if he travels to the Underworld to hear a prophecy from Tiresias.
  • Underworld

    After seeing ghosts of his family and friends he hears his prophcey from Tiresias. His prophecy warned him not to let his men eat the cattle of Helios. It also says that he will return home alone and find his house taken over by suitors.
  • Circe again

    Circe again
    He returns to Circe who after hearing his prochecy turns his men back to men. Before leaving she tells them how to resist the 3 monsters yet to come.
  • Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis

    Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis
    To resist the sound of the sirens they fill their ears with beeswax and tie Odysseus to the mast of the ship so he could listen. Next Odysseus makes the hard decision to sail closer to Scylla than Charybdis. Scylla is a multiheaded monster which killed 6 of his men. If he would have sailed towards Charybdis it would have killed all of them. So the sacrafice was worth making.
  • Helioses Cattle

    Helioses Cattle
    After ignoring Tiresias' warning Odysseus' men eat his prized cattle which angers Zues who sends a thunderbolt striking the ship and killing the whole crew except Odysseus.
  • Calypso

    After washing ashore on Calypso's island, she holds him captive for seven years to be her lover. Then, Zeus sends Hermes a message to release Odysseus. So then Calypso obeys and helps him build a raft to return to King Alcinious.
  • Island of Aeolus

    Island of Aeolus
    Odysseus lands on the wind king island, Aeolus, and stays with him for a month. Aeolus throws a feast for Odysseus and his crew. Aeolus beggs Odysseus to tell him of his journey which where the last couple of events. As a parting gift, Aeolus gives Odysseus a bag of good winds that will blow him to Ithica, and a bag of bad winds that will blow him away.
  • Ithica

    When King Aeolus' rowers take Odysseus to Ithaca, Athena reminds him where he is. He is then disguised as a begger and sneaks into the house. After winning a bow stringing contest for Penelope, him, Telemachus, the cowheard, and the swineheard kill all the suitors.