The Odyssey

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Trojan War

    Odysseus and his men fought the Trojan war at Troy. After ten years of the Greeks holding Troy under siege, Odysseus came up with a plan to make what the Trojans thought was a peace offering until they brought it into the city only to discover that it was full of Greek soldiers and they were defeated.
  • Jan 1, 1201


    After the Trojan War, Odysseus and his men landed on the land of Cicones. The Cicones were enemies of Odysseus. Odysseus and his men raided the town by robbing and killing them until the Ciconian army drove them out while killing 72 of Odysseus' men.
  • Jan 1, 1202

    Lotus Eaters

    The current pulled Odysseus and his men pas Cythera to the coastline of the Lotus Eaters. Odysseus sent three of his men to learn about who occupied the island so that they might find a meal. People who tasted the native flower never cared to return home after tasting it. Odysseus then loaded his men up and left so that wouldn't end up like the Lotus Eaters.
  • Jan 1, 1203


    Odysseus and his men later landed in the land of the Cyclops.. Odysseus and 12 of his men found their way into the cave of Polyphemus, one of the Cyclops. After the Cyclops ate two of Odysseus' men, Odysseus started scheming a way to get the bolder at the door off so they could escape. Odysseus and his men fed the Cyclops wine and when he had passed out, they stabbed his eye with a large spike. Odysseus tricked him in many more ways and finally escaped by riding under his rams.
  • Jan 1, 1204


    Later, Odysseus and his men landed on the island of Aeolus. Aeolus, the wind king, let them stay with him for a month. As a parting gift, hegave them two bags of winds. One bag would be used to blow them towards Ithaca and the other was a bag of bad winds. Within sight of Ithaca, Odysseus' men opened the bag of bad winds, thinking that Odysseus was sharing gold of silver with them. The winds blew them back to Aeolus' island. Aelous refused to help them, beliving that their trip had been cursed.
  • Jan 1, 1205


    After the disaster with the winds, Odysseus and his crew stopped in the land of the Laestrygones, fierce cannibals. The Laestrygones bombarded the ship with boulders with only Odysseus and 45 crew members surviving.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Circe of Aeaea

    The Circe charmed the half of Odysseus' crew that went to explore the land of Aeaea. She turned the men into swines and put them in a pigsty. After one year and with the help of Hermes, Odysseus finally persuades the Circe to release his men and change them back into men. She said that before she released them he must hear a prophecy at the land of the death.
  • Feb 1, 1207

    Land of the Dead

    In order to save his crew, Odysseus went to the land of the dead. There he spoke to Elpenor, Tiresias, his mother, and many more. Tiresias told Odysseus all that would happen to him and gave him warnings for his way home.
  • Jan 1, 1208

    Back to the Circe

    When he returned to the Circe she told him about the Sirens that lay in his path and what precautions to take with them.
  • Jan 1, 1209

    Sirens; Scyllla & Charybolis

    When Odysseus and his men reached the Sirens he put beeswax in their ears and had them tie him to mast to prevent them from falling into their curse. The Circe warned them about Scylla who had twelve legs and six legs. If they stayed on the coast by Scylla they could lose six men or all of them if they went by Charybolis who would kill them all with her large, violent whirlpool.
  • Jan 1, 1210

    Helio's cattle, & Zeus' lightning bolt

    Odysseus warned his men not to eat Helio's cattle, but driven by hunger, they did. Helios, the sun god, threatened to stop shining if his cattle wasn't repinished. Zeus sent a lightning bolt down and sunk Odysseus' ship, but spared him. He alone drifted to Ogygia where Calypso resided.
  • Jan 1, 1211


    For seven of the ten years that Odysseus spend on the Meditteranean Sea, he was detained by Caylpso, an evil nymph. He was held captive by her until Hermes the Wayfinder, sent by Zeus, appeared with a message to release him. She could only help him build a raft and give him some advice. He was told to sail for 20 days before he would land on the island of Scheria to get more help on him return home.
  • Jan 1, 1218

    King Alcinous

    After telling his story to King Alcinous, the king and his friends send Odysseus home.
  • Jan 1, 1220

    Return home

    When Odysseus returned to Ithaca, he didn't recognize his homeland until Athena appeared to him. He was disguised as a beggar, killed all the suitors, and proved himself to Penelope.