4 rational decisions in my life and their opportunity costs

  • Starting my studies at Megyeri Primary School

    Starting my studies at Megyeri Primary School
    My parents wanted me to go to Fóti street Primary school even it was not close to our house. I really wanted to go to Megyeri because of their IT education so I could convince them quite easily.
    Opportunity cost: going to Fóti street Primary School.
  • Deciding not to change school

    Deciding not to change school
    My parents got devorced and I had to stay with my mother. We moved into a flat in Káposztásmegyer. My mom really wanted me to change school due to the fact that Homoktövis Primary School was closer to our flat. I didn't want to change school at all because I wanted to stay with my friends so I stayed at Megyeri. Opportuniy cost:going to a school which is closer to my house
  • Deciding that I'll study in Berzeviczy

    Deciding that I'll study in Berzeviczy
    I wanted to go on learning languages, especially English. Berze seemed to be a great school for this. That's why I decided to come here.
    Opportunity cost: going to Károlyi István High School.
  • Joining to INGRAM MICRO

    Joining to INGRAM MICRO
    I really wanted to work in summer so I decided that I'll work for INGRAM MICRO Ltd. This way I could try a job connected to econimics and get some money as well. It was a hard decision due to the fact that I had many other job opportunities.
    Opportunity cost: any other salary and job opportunities