3rd Quarter

By Adalynn
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    Haitian Independence

    Haitai emerged to be the first black republic in the world. They were a successful anti-slavery group that fought against the French colonial rule in Saint-Domingue.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was a conference of people from European states.this conference was by Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich.
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    End of the Franco-Prussian War

    Napoleon's Second Empire of France was defeated. Treaty of Frankfurt am Main is signed that ended this war, Leaving Germany with a new German state.
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    Conference of Berlin

    This conference also known as the congo conference regulated African trade and European colonization. This was during the New Imperialism time period.
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    Boxer Rebellion

    This was an uprising in China against foreigners. It started by peasants however was lead by the government and had a group of people called boxers that wanted all foreigners out of China.
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    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    The group called the Black Hand had planned suicidal attempts if it meant they would kill Archduke. After the 3rd attempt that successfully killed him, there was now going to be a world war. This sent an outrage on Austria-Hungary and set Germany to declare war on Serbia.
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    Sinking of Lusitania

    This unethical event lead the US into joining the war. Germany used submarine warfare and sunk a boat full of innocent US citizens. SEnding all of them to death
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    Russian Revolution

    This was a revolution of the Russians with political and social changes which would result in the Soviet Union. Russo-Japanese War, Peasants, WWI, and Incompetence of Czar Nicholas II were factors that lead to this revolution.
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    Woodrow Wilson's 14 points

    Wilson created the idea of these "14 points" to create peace during WWI. He was the president of the US during the war and his points were a good intention but this did not work.
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    Treaty of Versailles

    This was one of the most effective treaties in this time period. It brought peace and was the document that ended World War I.