America Develops Nuclear Bomb.
America's Manhattan Project was successful and created the atomic bomb. First country to have a bomb. -
Period: to
Nuclear Arms Race
The race for nuclear weapons between the Soviets and United States -
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Is the treaty between the North Atlantic Countries that if one of them gets attacked others in the treaty will come to help them fend off the enemy. -
Russia Makes Nuclear Bomb
Russia makes nuclear bomb and starts the race between United States and Soviet Union. -
Chinese Civil War
Mao Zedong and his communist party take control of China and start to develop plans such as collectivization which he pulled away peasants land to increase productivity and also the Great Leap Forward which he urged people to make an extreme effort towards Agricultural and Industrial outputs. -
Communist Cuba
Fidel Castro organized an armed rebellion against the currupt dictator who then ruled Cuba. With the new tension between Cuba and United States Castro went to Soviet Union for help. This later turned Cuba into Communist. -
Korean Conflict
Earlier in 1950, Kim II Sung called for Korea to reunite. In June then North Korea moved into south Korea and almost took all of South Korea. United Nations (Mostly United States troops) were sent to South Korea and pushed them back to Yalu River. This led to China coming in to help the North Koreans, they then pushed the UN soldiers back to the 38th parallel, This then ended the war as Korea would remain splitted in two near the 38th parallel. -
Hydrogen Bomb
Both Russia and United States created the Hydrogen Bomb which was extremely more destructive than Atomic Bomb -
Warsaw Pact
A treaty with 7 satallites in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union would be called upon frequently to keep the 7 other countries in order. -
China Revolts
Mao Zedong led the Communist Revolt through China. He then started to change chinese society giving land to the peasants and discourged most traditional chineses religions. Middle class people opposing communisim were killed or sent to labour camps. Mao Zedong then called for collectivization to help further increase production. Then came the "Great Leap Forward", it ran from 1958 to 1960 asking for people to make a superhuman effort at farm and industrial outputs. The effort was later a failure -
Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was a large concrete wall built to keep all East-Berliners from going to west Berlin. The wall complete concrete with a barbed-wire top and guarded by soldiers. Many people would risk their lifes getting past the wall. -
Missile Crisis
The Soviets sent nuclear missiles to Cuba to prevent the United States from invading Cuba again. This caused a tension between Soviets and United States. The United States soon blockaded Cuba to prevent the Soviets from getting more nuclear weapons into Cuba. -
Vietnam Conflict
South Vietnamese did raids on the North, North Vietnamese retaliated and attacked a U.S. Navy Destroyer that they thought helped in the raids. U.S. President Johnson told congress about the attack on the destroyer but not about the raids or the doubts on the second attacker and congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Revolution. Allowing Johnson to bomb and send half a million troops into Vietnam. During this war the Draft was started. Guerilla warfare fought again. -
Vietnam Conflict Cont.
Noth Vietnamese invaded cities all over South Vietnam during Tet which was the vietnamese New Year. Americans and South Vietnamese push back and win back all that they lost. Almost no Americans now support the war due to the POW's and MIA's. American leaders then decide to leave Vietnam finally in 1973. -
Period: to
Relaxing from tension of the nuclear arms race due to arms control. Ended when the Soviets invaded Afganistan -
Soviets In Afganistan
As the Soviets tried to push Communist reforms into Afganistan, Landlords and Muslim Conservatives say that it threatens Islamic traditions, causing soviet troops to be moved into Afganistan. Soon the Soviets realized that battling Mujahedin or Muslim religious warriors was than just as hard as battling the guerrilas in the jungles of vietnam as the U.S. did. United States then began to smuggle weapons to Afgans in the mid 1980s. -
Eastern European Independence
In the 1950s and 60s eastern Europe states revolted, soon in the 1980s they would begin to revolt again. Hungrary began to revolt and finally in 1988 and 1989 it would become very close to independent.Polish Lech Walesa led a Solidarity that gained millions of members, Soviets outlawed the unions and then arrested their members and sent them to jail. East Germans would resist changes and have ability to watch West Germans televeision brodcasts to watch the propserity of Non-communist countries -
Soviet Union Falls
As Soviet Union slowly loses its Eastern European Countries one by one they do not intervene with them as they reform, as of 1989 people in the eastern states were in the streets demanding democratic reforms.Other communist countries began to open up relations with democratic countries to ease tension and open up reforms.