
  • 202

    Carthage/Hannibal is Defeated

    Carthage/Hannibal is Defeated
    Carthage is defeated at Zama and Hannibal flees
  • 221

    Hannibal Takes Charge

    Hannibal is made commander-in-cheif
  • Hannibal Birth

    Hannibal Birth
  • Hannibal Enters Second Punic War

    Hannibal Enters Second Punic War
    The Second Punic War began in 218 B.C., when Hannibal boldly decided to invade Italy by marching through Spain and France and crossing the snow-covered Alps
  • Hannibal Flees

    Hannibal Flees
    In 195 B.C. he was forced to flee to Asia Minor (Turkey) where he assisted various kingdoms in their struggle against Rome. Eventually he came to the court of Prusias, the king of Bithnyia. The Romans demanded that Prusias hand Hannibal over to them
  • Hannibal Faces the Alps

    Hannibal Faces the Alps
    Hannibal marches through the Alps mountains to Rome
  • Hannibal Succeeds

    Hannibal Succeeds
    Hannibal defeats Rome at the Tincio and Trebia River
  • Hannibal Dies

    Hannibal Dies
    Rather than be handed over to the Romans, Hannibal drank poision and died in 183 bc
  • Hanibal Is Remembered

    Hannibal died at age 64 yrs. He is still known today as the greatest military leader and strategist of all time