Key Battles of the American Revalution

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The British then retired to Boston to lick there wounds.A new found respect is nowfound for the minutemen,and the militia,who will soon turn into the continental Army.First shots were fired there.This event is sometimes refferd to as the "Shot heard round the world"because of the impactof the American Revulutionary ideals on other natoins as a result,the second continential congress met and named George Washington commander.
  • Bunker(breeds) Hill

    Bunker(breeds) Hill
    On June 17,1775 the battle of bunker hill took place.It is one of the most important colonial victories in the U.S war for independence.Fought during the siege of boston, it lent considerable encouragement to the revulutionary cause. This battle made both sides relize that this was not going to occupy dorchester heights on the boston peninsula,the colonists became alarmed at the build up of british troops off of the coast.
  • Saratoga

    The turning point of the war for the American Patriots. American forces defeated the British in their attemt to split the colonies at the hudson river. Because of this victory the french were willing to enter into an allience with the Americans witch brought both financial aid and the help of the french navy.
  • Charleston

    This was a severe blow to the colonies. It was the greatest loss of manpower and equipement of the war for the Americans and gave the British nearly complete control of the southern colonies.The first attemt by the British to capture charelston was stopped by the tidesand the residence of the palmeto log fort that became known fort multrie.The British were succesful the second time around.The port of charelston, South Carolina was attacked by blockading under siege by the british for many days.
  • Cowpens

    Important battle in south carolina.Showed the cooperationof the regular continenetial army and the irregular partison forces. The partisons led the attack and then fled the field, tricking the British regulars into thinking that the Americans were retreating.Instead the patisons lured the British forces into range of theregular american army. The british were soundly defeated and retreated northword toward virginia.
  • Yorktown

    Final battle of the war. The French navy asissted General George Washington and his army by blockading the harbor. The blockade prevented British ships from entering the harbor. The British army, camped in Virginia waiting for transport to winter quarters,from escapeing. Sorrounded by American and French forces, the British were defeated and surrendered.