Key Battles of the Revalution

By monkeys
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    First shots of the war. Also know as "The Shot Heard Round the World. When the British were marching to Concord they saw the militia they went there instead. After the Lexington battle thet marched to Concord with more militia.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    Fort Ticonderoga was located at Lake Champlain were the Americans fought the british and there were no American casualties and fourty-eight British casualties.The colonist beat the British.The generals of this fight were Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allan were the American generals. Along with the British commander was Capt. Willam De La Place.
  • Bunker (Breeds) Hill

    Bunker (Breeds) Hill
    Second bloodest war. The first meant to be battle. The rebles (colanist) set up the base on top of bunker (Breed's) Hill and were surrounded by British.Score one for British
  • Quebec

    60 colonist were killed and 426 were captured.Thirteen British were wounded and five were killed.
  • Battle Of Charleston

    Battle Of Charleston
    The battle of Charleston was the first British failer. The tides of the ocean had help the americans have 2 hours of building a bunker.
  • The Battle Of Saratoga

    The Battle Of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point for the americans.They defeat the British and France decide to help the colanist.
  • Battle Of Cowpens

    Battle Of Cowpens
    The Battle Of Cowpens was the 2 to last battle of the American Revalution. The American (colanist) had won that battle.
  • Yorktown

    Final battle of the revalution.The French blockaded the habor after destorying the British ships Navy.