Period: to
Battle of Gonzales
The Battle of Gonzales started when the Mexican Soldiers told the texans to give them a brass cannon, that they used to protect them selfs from the Indian, the Texans refosed to give it to them and buried it. After they send for reinforcement they unburied the cannon and made a flag that said "COME AND GET IT" and fired a shoot and they all knew the war had begun. -
Consulation of 1835
Declaration of 1835
Texas Attack of San Antonio
Texas army attacks san antonio with three hundred volenteer men sepeated in to three divisons. The first division was lead by Colonel Jack, the second division was lead by Lieutenat Sommervell, the third division was lead by Major Morris. -
Surrender of Mexican forces in San Antonio
The Mexican forces surrendered under the command of General Cos with around 1105 troops. -
March of the Mexican Army
Seige of the Alamo
Texas Declation of Independence
Swearing in of the Texas Government officials
Battle of the Alamo
Constitution of 1836
Battle of Refugio/Coleto(Goliad Massacre)
Runaway Scrape