History of Nurses

By mhill
  • Dorothea Dix

    Dorothea Dix
    Dorothea Dix was a major reformer in the mid 1800s her work with reforming mental facilities is what she is most known for. Also she did a great deal of work during the Civil War, she lead nurses who were known for not passing any solider by no matter what side they fought for.
  • Linda Richards

    Linda Richards
    Linda Richards is considered to be the first trained American nurse. She traveled to Europe in hopes of improving her skills where she learned from Florence Nightingale about improving the training of nurses. She was the first president of the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    Clara Barton was inspired by her family to become a nurse. In May 1881 Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross, which is still helping people today. Also she had a major role in the Civil War where she brought her own medical supplies to the front lines of battle.
  • Mary Ann Bickerdyke

    Mary Ann Bickerdyke
    Mary Ann Bickerdyke was known for her role in helping soldiers during the Civil War. She was respected by everyone and soldiers starting referring to her as “Mother”Bickerdyke. She spoke her mind and didn’t let anyone get in her way of her duties.
  • Isabel Hampton Robb

    Isabel Hampton Robb
    Isabel Hampton Robb was one of the frontrunners of nursing. She is most notable for her reform in grading policies stating that students needed to improve their competency if they want to be certified. She did a lot of work at John Hopkins School of Nursing.
  • Lavinia Dock

    Lavinia Dock
    Lavinia Dock helped Isabel Hampton Robb and Mary Adelaide Nutting found the American Society of superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses of the United States and Canada. She also was very prominent in the movement of women’s suffrage.
  • Lillian Wald

    Lillian Wald
    Lillian Wald known for hurt work for helping teach women how to care for themselves and children properly. Also for her help founding the NAACP she felt strongly about the mistreatment of African Americans.
  • Mary Adelaide Nutting

    Mary Adelaide Nutting
    Mary Adelaide Nutting was very instrumental in her help with reforming university programs to improve the training of nurses. She was also apart of the first class of the John Hopkins Hospital Training of Nurses.
  • Mary Eliza Mahoney

    Mary Eliza Mahoney
    Mary Eliza Mahoney was the first African American women to study and work as a trained nurse. She also help co-found the National Associates of Colored Graduate Nurses.
  • Margaret Sanger

    Margaret Sanger
    Margaret Sanger is known for founding the American Birth Control League. A controversial topic at the time but had the support of women who did want access to the contraceptive.
  • Annie Goodrich

    Annie Goodrich
    Annie Goodrich became a nurse in 1892. She went on to receive her Doctor of Science degree, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Laws. She is most noted for being the first dean of nursing at Yale University in 1923.
  • Mary Breckinridge

    Mary Breckinridge
    Mary Breckinridge is known for starting the Frontier Nursing Service. She has helped many people through her hospital. She is thought to have started in Nursing to overcome some of the tragedies in her life.
  • Ida V. Moffett

    Ida V. Moffett
    Ida V. Moffett was a prominent nurse in Alabama. She was the first nurse to strive to achieve accreditation for nursing schools. She wanted for nurses to be educated, and therefore wanted them to learn at a university level program.
  • Lillian Holland Harvey

    Lillian Holland Harvey
    Lillian Holland Harvey known for being the Dean of Nursing at the Tuskegee Institution in Alabama. She was very driven in wanting to further her education.
  • Hildegaurd Peplau

    Hildegaurd Peplau
    Hildegard Peplau was a nursing theorist, who came up with Peplau’s Six Nursing Roles. These roles are used to help nurses with nurse-client relationships.
  • Martha Rogers

    Martha Rogers
    Martha Rogers was a known author, theorist, and great nurse. She is known for her development of the Science of Unitary Human Beings.
  • Virginia Henderson

    Virginia Henderson
    Virginia Henderson was a nurse, author, and researcher. She is most famous for her definition of nursing which states; “The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge”
  • Dorothea Orem

    Dorothea Orem
    Dorothea Orem was a nurse that came up with the theory stating that nurses have to supply care when patients cannot provide care to themselves. This theory is known as the Orem model of nursing.
  • Madeleine Leininger

    Madeleine Leininger
    Madeleine Leininger was a nursing theorist who was first published in 1961 for her work in the theory of caring. Her concept of transcultural nursing, describes how bring in the cultural roles into nursing.
  • Jean Watson

    Jean Watson
    Dr. Jean Watson founded the center for human caring at the University of Colorado with the main hope of transforming the health care system with the knowledge of healing and caring.