
  • Its a Girl!!!!

    Its a Girl!!!!
    Britney Spears was born!
  • Stars to take dance

    Stars to take dance
    Britney begins dance at a young age.
  • Ruthless aditioins

    Ruthless aditioins
    Go to The Big Apple for aditions for the off Broadway musical Ruthless.
  • Summer in The Big Apple

    Summer in The Big Apple
    They move to the The Big Apple because thats where things happened in the entertainment industry.
  • tries out for MMC

    tries out for MMC
    Tries out for TV show MMC.
  • MMC is Over

    MMC is Over
    The show MMC is canceled.
  • Jive Records

    Jive Records
    Jive signs Britney.
  • Turns 17!!!!

    Turns 17!!!!
    She went to a restraunt ate cake had silly hats and ballons.
  • Album Released

    Album Released
    Britneys first album is released.
  • Jhonny Write

    Jhonny Write
    Jhonny Write signs Britney.