2000 BCE
MAYA INDIAS chocolate
The Maya indias invented the chocolate ( chocolha) . The Mayas culture began in Mexico, and they lived around 2.000 BC . -
600 BCE
The chocolate was invented in 600 B.F, was created in mexico. Chocolate was inevnted by the Maya Indians.
Now a days we eat and drink chocolate, every where in the world -
Ice-cream was invented in Italy in the 16th centurie, ice cream cone was invented by Italo Machion in New York in 1896. But the first ice cream was invented by Francisco Procopio, and Marco Polo. -
Francesco Procopio lived from 1651 to 1727.
He was an Italian cook, he invented ye first ice-cream cone.
In addition, in 1686 he founded what would become the oldest cafeteria in Paris.