New Moon

  • Bella's Birthday Party

    Bella's Birthday Party
    It's Bellas 18th birthday. She doesnt like birthday partys but Edward gives her one anyway. While opening a present, she gets a paper cut and since the family are vampires, Jasper attacks Bella and she gets pushed into a glass table and gets hurt.
  • Edward acting weird around Bella

    Edward acting weird around Bella
    After the inncodent at the Cullens house, Edward acts weird when Bellas around. They arent together as much anymore and dont talk that much anymore.
  • Edward leaves Bella

    Edward leaves Bella
    After acting weird, Edward leaves Bella and is never coming back. Bella begs for him to stay but he cant. His dad still looks the same and people are wondering after 10 years of not changing how you look. Edward then leaves Bella by herself in the woods.
  • Bella and Jacob become bestfriends

    Bella and Jacob become bestfriends
    After Edward left, Jacob was there for Bella. So the more they were together, the bigger there friendship became. They did almost everything together.
  • Bella finds out Jacobs a werewolf.

    Bella finds out Jacobs a werewolf.
    Bella goes to Jacobs house and then find another pack of people that took over Jacob. She then later yells at one of them and JAcob comes to protect her turns into a werewolf.
  • Jacob letting Bella down.

    Jacob letting Bella down.
    After Jacob is with a different wolf pack, Jacob turns into a totally different person. Jacob then lies to Bella constantly and lets her down on the plans they had.
  • Bella jumping off a cliff.

    Bella jumping off a cliff.
    Bella realized that if she did something that risked her life, she'd see Edward in her mind telling her not to do it. She realized that when she crash on a motorcycle with Jacob. She then jumps and drowns.
  • Edward asks Volturi to kill him.

    Edward asks Volturi to kill him.
    Edward finds out that Bella jumped off a cliff and his sister Rosali tells him that she has died. He calls the house and JAcob tells him that her dad was preparing for a funeral. but not for Bella. Bella survived but Edward goes to italy to kill himself.
  • Bella saving Edward

    Bella saving Edward
    Bella and Edawrds sister, Alice, go to italy to save Edward and prove that Bella is not dead. Edward tries to expose himself to the people so the Volturi will have to kill him.
  • Bella and Edward are back together.

    Bella and Edward are back together.
    Bella and Edward go back to Forks and are back together. However, her dad doesnt approve for what he did to her. So Edward has to find was for her dad to forgive her.