NATO and Warsaw pacts
After the Second World War, the old alliances broke apart. Countries had different goals, and could no longer work together. The U.S.S.R. was supporting new communist countries in Europe. The United States demanded that the countries be given the right to have free elections, but the Soviets ignored the demand and kept on supporting communism. Angered with this, the United States passed the Truman Doctrine. This document declared that areas that were already communist could stay communist, but -
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areas that were not currently communist were not allowed to change. -
Korean Conflict
Korea was independent until Japan conquered it. After that, Korea wa split into North and South Korea along the 38th parallel. The North was turned communist and ruled by Dictator Kim Il Sung and the Soviet Union. The south was ruled by dictator Syngman Rhe who was not communist. They were backed by the United States. In early 1950, North Korea attacked and conquered most of the south. In September 1950 the UN forced the North back to the Yalu River along the Chinese border. -
Korea continued
The success of the UN forces worried China. The Chinese along with the North Koreans moved the line back to the 38th parallel, which is where the conflict started. The war ended as a stalemate in 1953. A demilitarized zone was formed around the 38th parallel . -
Nuclear Arms Race and Detente
The most horrific thing that most people think of when they think about the civil war is the nuclear arms race. After World War II, both the United States and the Soviet Union started mass-producing nuclear weapons. By 1953 both sides had created hydrogen bombs, which are much more devastating than nuclear bombs. People from both sides agreed that a nuclear war would completely destroy both sides. There was a series of agreements to limit nuclear progress. One of them limited anti-ballistic mis -
Chineese Civil War
After World War II, China was turned communist by Mao Zing. But this didn't happen without fighting. Mao’s opposition was Nationalist Jiang Jieshi. After decades of fighting, the communist won.
Peasants liked Mao because he helped get rid of their landlords and gave them their own land. During this time nationalism lost popularity. Mao captured railroads around opposing cities to cut off their supplies so they could overtake them. Many counter - revolutionaries were beaten, arrested, or killed. -
China continued
From 1958 to 1960, Mao promoted “The Great Leap Forward”. He urged people to make huge efforts to increase farm and industrial output. He also created communes, which brought villages together to try and create more output from farming and factories. This backfired by producing low quality goods that were practically useless. After this, Mao created a new army to restore order. He convinced the youth to experience a revolution first hand. -
Berlin Wall
Berlin was a very important factor in the Cold War. The city was split into an east section and west section. East Berlin, controlled by NATO countries, was primarily communist, while West Berlin, controlled by the Soviets, was primarily democratic. Low paid, unhappy citizens of East Berlin would often flee to West Berlin through the open borders to escape communism and find a better life. The Soviets were not happy that they were losing their people to East Berlin. To prevent from losing more -
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people, they built a concrete and barbed wire wall. Anyone who was caught crossing the wall was shot on sight. The wall ran straight down the East - West Berlin line -
Communist Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis
One of the most serious Cold War conflicts took place in Cuba. In 1959, Fidel Castro organized a rebellion to take over Cuba. He succeeded and turned Cuba communist. The United states was extremely unhappy with this. To try and over throw Castro, the United States trained Cuban exiles to over throw Castro. They attempted the over throw, but the United States backed their support out at the last second, leaving the exiles there for failure.
In 1962, the Soviet Union started moving nuclear -
Vietnam Conflict
The US devolped a domino theory about Vietnam that said if they became communist, lots of others would follow. At first the US only supplied the south Vietnamese army, but they eventually sent full military support to help them. After lots of fighting, including the Tet Offensive, the US decided to pull out of Vietnam. There were many POW's and MIA's from this war. -
Soviets in Afghanistan
When the Afghans tried to take away landlord's rights, Soviets moved in to help defeat the landlords. The battle turned into a mujahedin, or religious war.The moutains were very hard for the Soviets to fight in. And on top of that the US was supplying the Afghans with weapons. These factors made it very hard for the Soviets in Afghanistan. They eventually lost the conflict. -
European Independence
Many countries in Europe gained their independence at this time. Countries like Hungary, Poland, and East Germany all moved away from communism. Not only did they move away from communism, but it happened very peacefully. Czechoslovakia split into Slovakia and the Czeck Republic. -
Soviet Union Falls
Mikhail Gorbachev tried to help the Soviets with many reforms. Unfortunately, none of them worked under communism. He ended censorship and urged reconstructon in the government. In 1991, the 12 nations that made the Soviet union fell apart and became their own countries. After 69 years, there was nothing of the Soviet Union left.