ChristinaK-mp2 Independent Reading Project

  • Time stone 1- Tall Tale Heart

    Time stone 1- Tall Tale Heart
    Madision's English teacher told her class about thestory of the Tall Tale Heart. That day she went home right after school and her mom, Mrs. Finn, was not home yet. So Madision took her dog Phine for a walk. When Madision came back from the walk, she went up to her room to do her homework. Soon after that her mom came home and Madision got all scared, because she thought someone was in the house.
  • Period: to

    From the Files of Madision Finn: Something to Scream about

  • Time Stone 2- The Next Day at Madision's Class Meeting

    Time Stone 2-  The Next Day at Madision's Class Meeting
    The next day at scool, Madision had to sstay after for her Class Goverment meeting. At the meeting she found out that the school is having a Holloween dance called Something to Scream About! She also found out that she was on the decorations commitee. Madision got really excited about being on the dance commitee, untill she found out she was working with Ivy. Madision tottaly disspices Ivy, becaue Ivy thinks shes all that and flirt with Hart. Hart is the guy that both Madision and Ivy like.
  • Time Stone 4- Madision, Aimee and Fionia Have a Sleepover

    Time Stone 4-  Madision, Aimee and Fionia Have a Sleepover
    That weekend Madision and Aimee slept over Fiona's house. While they where there, Madision told her friends the story of the gohst that useto live in Fionia's house. The gohst was a girl and she was having a wedding. Left up in the attic in a big chest was her wedding dress. On the day of her wedding she went up into her attic to get the dress. She never returned so she must have fallin in the chest and it closed on her and she suffacated. So now she haunts Fionia's house.
  • Time Stone 3- The Big Soccer Game

    Time Stone 3- The Big Soccer Game
    The next day after chool was Madision's friend, Fionia's big chanpionship soccer game. Madision and there friend Aimee staye to watch Fionia's game. while they where there, Madision saw Hart hanging out with Ivy. Madision died a little inside. Over all Madision and Aimee had a really good time and Fionia and her teamates won the game!
  • Time Stone 5- In Science Class That Week

    Time Stone 5- In Science Class That Week
    In science that week (wensday) Madision watched Hart and Ivy flirt, while they where soposd to be working. Madision was also thinking about, what it would be like if hat asked her to the dance, and if they ended up going out. Then she could show Ivy that she was better then her.
  • Time Stone 6- Madision and Her Friends Go Shopping

    Time Stone 6- Madision and Her Friends Go Shopping
    Madision, Aimee and Fionia went shopping one day after school for their holloween costume. evryone found there costumes they wantted except for Madsion. She ended up taking the dress out of the chest from Fionias attic, the one that belonged to the gohst.
  • Time Stone 7-Hart Asks Madision To the School Dance

    Time Stone 7-Hart Asks Madision To the School Dance
    The next day in school Hart asked Madision to the school dance. Hart stoped by Madision's locker before class and just barly got the words out, before Ivy pulled him away and asked him to the dance. Hart said yes but he was going with Madision also. Somehow Ivy was okay with that.
  • Time Stone 8- Setting Up for thr Dance

    Time Stone 8- Setting Up for thr Dance
    The next day Ivy Madision and the rest of dance comittee had to stay after to help set up for the dance that eveninning. So in the hall on the way to her locker Madision her Ivy ask Heart if he wantted to help with the decoratting. Madision thought to herself that Ivy wouldnt do any work and would just flirt with Hart the whole time, as much as she wantted Hart to be there she didn't, because she didn't want Ivy flirtting with him and she wantted her to get her work done.
  • Time Stone 9- The Holloween Dance

    Time Stone 9- The Holloween Dance
    As soon as Madision arrived Hart greeted her. Madision and her friends (and Hart) started to dance and gossip, untill Ivy walked in. She was in a perfect costume for her, she was a bright red devil. Madision went as a Greek Godess and Hart went as a Wizard.
    As soon as Hart saw Ivy he left the group to greet her, just as he did to Madision. Then when they both re-joined the group Hart wantted to take Madision through the scarry hallway, but Ivy had to come to. Ivy ruined the whole night.
  • Time Stone 10- The Monday After the Dance

    Time Stone 10- The Monday After the Dance
    That Monday after the dance, Hart was being really nice to Madision. He asked to sit with her and her friends at lunch. When Ivy walked by she asked Hart to sit with her, he siad "No thanks, I think I"m going to sit with Madision today" scence then Hart was nice to her and never let Ivy get in the way of their friendship again.