Applying the 14th Amendment

  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment was created in 1868, following the civil war in an attempt to close the gap between blacks and whites. It was included in the group of "reconstructive amendments"
  • Segregated Water Fountains

    Segregated Water Fountains
    Segregated water fountains were a part of the "seperate but equal" period of time. During thiss time period, whites made "Colored" and "white" objects and places. For example, white people and black people both had different water fountains and different bathrooms.
  • "No Beer Sold to Indians"

    "No Beer Sold to Indians"
    In 1938, bars and resteraunts stopped serving Native Americans beer because they were known for being drunk.
  • Integrated classroom

    Integrated classroom
    On May 17th, 1954, the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional to separate black and white children in classrooms. This led to many protests, however in the long run it has come all the way to having every school being racially integrated.
  • Protest against integration

    Protest against integration
    Protest against integration started in 1955. One of the main protests was against mixing white and black children in schools.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    On June 13th, 1967 Thurgood Marshall was appointed to be the first African American supreme court justice. President Johnson appointed him after Justice Tom C. Clark retired. He served until 1991 when he was dissapointed that George H.W. Bush was going to choose who filled his position.
  • Handicap in the workplace

    Handicap in the workplace
    The American Disability Act or ADA was created to help handicap people become influential in the workplace. This was another huge step in the extermination of segregation.
  • No access for handicapped

    No access for handicapped
    Access for handicapped persons is required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. At around July 1992, every business had to comply with the Title III of the ADA which stated all businesses must have Public Accommodations for disabled people.