Civil War

  • Period: to

    The era of the Civil War

  • South Carolina Seceeds

  • Mississippi Seceeds

  • Florida Seceeds

  • Alabama Seceeds

  • Georgia Seceeds

  • Louisiana Seceeds

  • Texas Seceeds

  • The Battle (Conflict) at Fort Sumter

    Shots fired at northerners going to the fort, and the confederates taking it over. No shots were fired at the confederates, and there were no deaths.
  • Virginia Seceeds

  • Arkansas Seceeds

  • Tennesee Seceeds

  • North Carolina Seceeds

  • The Battle of Bull Run

    The first official battle of the civil war, fought in Manassas, Virginia. The confederates win, and the union realizes how strong their army actually is.
  • Battle of Monitor and Merrimack

    This battle is one of the most important naval battles of the civil war, fought at Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. The confederates win in a total landslide.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Also known as the battle of Pittsburg Landing, this was fought in southwestern Tennesee. Resulting in a Confederate win, with over 3,000 dead.
  • Battle of Antietam

    This battle, fought in antietam creek in Maryland, was the bloodiest day in american history. The south won.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Fought in and around Fredericksburg, Virginia, the union lost in a landslide. The casualties for the union were more than double the confederate's, with 12,653 compared to the confederate's 5,377.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    A battle that happened in Chancellorsville, Virginia. Although the union had the numbers to win, the confederates ended it with a victory.
  • Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson Dies

    Mistaken as a union soldier on his horse, 'Stonewall' was shot in his right arm. The wound got infected with pneumonia, and he died on May 10th of 1863.
  • Battle of Gettysberg

    Battle of Gettysberg
    Being the deadliest battle in the civil war, 7,863 soldiers died from July 1st- July 3rd 1863. The Confederate army lost to the Union, which at this point in time was lead by George G. Meade. Gettysberg, a small town in Pensylvania, is a very popular tourist site.
  • Battle of Little Roundtop

    During the Battle of Gettysburg, an unsuccessful asault by the confederate troops was a major decider in the Battle of Gettysburg itself. Composed of the 20th of Maine, led by Joshua Chamberlain, these Mainers fought off the confederate soldiers trying to attack the union from behind.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Fought in Vicksburg, Mississippi, this was a win for the union, with the confederates surrendering 29,495 troops.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln makes his most famous speach at Gettysburg, Pensylvania, four months after the battle. His speach was mainly about the Declaration of Independance, human equality rights, and how states' rights were no longer domininant.
  • West Virginia Becomes a State

    As Virginia was a confederate state, there were enough people in western Virginia who didn't want to be confederates, they formed their own state.
  • Lincoln Gets Reelected

    Lincoln beats democrat George McCellan 212 electoral votes to 21. After finally winning victories prior to the election, many people wanted to give Lincoln another term in office.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    William Sherman brings a 62,000 man squad from Atlanta to Savanah, Georgia, and cuts a 60 mile wide path, destroying everything possible between those two locations.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    General Lee formally surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant, ending the Civil War.
  • 13th Amendment

    This amendment abolishes slavery.