North Strengths
Population - 2.5 times that of south
. Inductrial Production
. 97% of firearms prodused in north
.70% of the railroads
. 94% of the clothess and 90% of the footwear was produced in the north. -
South stringths
Robert E Lee - confederate general -
Jefferson Davis
confederate President -
10% plan
10% of 1860 pop they would be let in. -
North and south
north - Union
south - Conederacy -
Abe Lincoln elected
in 1860 -
abe linclon pres.
Period: to
civil war
Conederacy and Union
C - 11 states
U - 23 states -
battle bull run
This is the first major land battle of the American Civil War. -
F.T. Sumter
The Battle of Fort Sumter (April 12–13, 1861) was the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter near Charleston, South Carolina, that started the American Civil War. . In S.L. at Charteston Harbor
. Federal Fort that is low on supplies
. Lincoln tells Gov. "I am only sending food"
.Jerrerson Davis President of the Con. -
Edwin Stanton
the cotten diplomacy exspanded
war of secretary was Edwin Stanton. -
union Pacific R.R and central Pacific R.R.
east to west
west to east
Homesteand Act - gave 160 acers to anyone willing to farm, cultivate and build house for 5 years. -
Northern Strategy
Andaconda Plan - surrounf and squeeeeze
Miss. River and alantic blockade
lose many early battle such as bull run and seven days -
U.S. Grant
1862 - Grant a huge victory at shiloh and then on to VIcksburg
. Victory in Tenn. At Fort Donelson and Fort Henry. -
Emancipation Prolamation
this went in to effect. it said.......
. it frees the states that are in rebelion. the aresa the union didi not control.
. Exempted slavea in border states and areas in south won by Union Forces.
. Blacks in South fleeing - this proclamation did nothing except pull the name on something that was already happening 13 amendment.
. -
Little Round Top
pertect little round top. -
Morrill Land Grant Act
- land grant
- colleges - education to ordinary citizen fielde of agriculture and engineering.
Wade-Davis Bill
1864 -
abe gets shot
Lincoln Assassination
John Wilkes Booth
Fords Theater
Lincoln gets shot -
Civil Rights Act 1866
Put in place to prevent black codes -
Black Code
rules agenst the Blacks
-vagrancy laws: Can't Wonder. -
Border States
. 11 confederates states. 7 at first and then VA,TN,AK,N.L.
- confederate Capital was Richmond Border States:
.Kentucky -
Freedmans Bureau
organization to help freeman get an edication.
blacks get land, churchs, schools -
A. Johnson's Impeachment
for violating the Tenure of fice trys to fire Edwin Stanton Sec. of War -
Cotton Diplomacy
thoguth they could get recognized by England and France for their cotton. -
13th Amendment
Abolish Slavery -
Moderate: forgiving the south for what they did.
Radical: not forgiving the south for what they have done. reconstruction is when the north goes and helps the south re-build. -
14th Amendment
Grant Blacks Citizonship -
15th Amendment
Nobody can be denied the right to vote based on race color, or previous condition of servitude -
social Club Tennessee:
destroys Rep. Party and goverments. Discrimnates agenst minorities -
spliting the profet of the crops in half with the land owner (you will alaways loose money. it is a trap) this is a form of slavory. -
Congressional Rec. Wade - Davis bill!!!!------congress
they should conrtol reconstruction "ironclad oath" -
Pres. Reconstruction --- Johnson
same as lincoln
-majority 51%
Scalawags and cartbaggers
s : is a white southerner who welcomes the reconstructuion help
c: a northerner who went to the south to help them rebuild. -
M. Brady
photographer -
william Sherman
inflict amximum damage on southern life. Surrender rather than face total destruction. -
Wilbur Mclean
Joshua Chamberlain
battle of little round top
he had to protect it -
Robert Gould Shaw
lead the first blck army! -
C. Barton
only woman -
stephen douglas
propsed the kansas nibraska act. -
T. stevens
radicul republican -
Dred S.
slave that sued for his freedom. -
southern Strategy
Attack Maryland
hold off troops in Virgina
Antietom single bloodiest day of the war = 5,00 dead and 19,000 wounded.