The Western Democracies Stumble

By history
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    Irish Independence

    In 1914, there was a bill, home-rule, that got put aside when the war started. A small militant group of Irish nationalists started a revolt against British rule on Easter in 1916. The revolt was quickly taken down, however, it gained more support for the Irish. Later in 1919, Parliment again put aside the home-rule and refused to grant it. A guerrilla war broke out between the Irish Republican Armyand Britian forces. An agreement was reached in 1922 and most of Ireland became self-governed.
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    U.S. Isolation

    "Red Scare Video"
    Watch Video After Reading Information Below. Because the U.S. entered the war towards the end, it came out virtually unscathed. However, the U.S. did encounter domestic unhappiness. Fear of the Bolshevik and radicals led to the "red scare", leading to expellation of many foreigners.
    (now watch "red scare video"
  • End of WWI

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    France's Troubled Peace

    After the war France was not only a winner but a loser too. Divsions within the government and scandles casued a power struggle between parties. Parties such as conservatives and communists went back and forth holding power. Difference in opinion with these struggles also caused quickly changing governments over-ruling France.
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    Peace Agreements

    During the1920s, many people serarched for peace. In 1925 a series of treaties were signed in Locarno, Switzerland. The treatie settled German and France's border wars and became a symbol of new peace. In search for peace, most countries signed this agreement. The KBP promised to "renounce war as an instrument of national policy." An effect of this agreement many coutries also pursued disarmament, or the reduction of military and weapons. Countries, however, failed to agree on a limit.
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    Postwar Economics

    The U.S. came out of the war with the top economic power. Capitalism became popular and the flourish kept the rest of the econmies stable.
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    British Party Struggles

    In the 1920's Britain saw the Labour party pass over the Liberal party in strength. The Labour party leaned more towards socialism and gained support from the workers and middle-class business interests. While the Liberal party was failing the Conservative party gained strength and support as the middle-class backing them. In 1926 a high scale strike occured. More than three million workers started this strike and caused Conservatives to pass legislation limiting the power of workers to strike.
  • The Great Depression: Overproduction

    Wealth was not shared equally in the U.S. and it caused farmers and workers to earn less money. Since they lost money, they bought less. Demand went down but factories got new technology allowing them to produce faster. Factories cut back due to overproduction which led to workers losing their jobs.
  • The Great Depression: Federal Reserve

    The Federal Reserve is the central banking system of the U.S. and is in charge of regulating the banks. It is responsible for increasing the interest rates in 1928, 1929, and a third time in 1931.
  • The Great Depression: Finance

    Stock prices were at an all-time high and there were alot of eager investors.The Federal Reserve tried to control the stock market by increasing interest rates in 1928 and again in 1929. The higher interest rates scared people and made them nervous about borrowing and investing. Towards the end of 1929 many nervous people sold their stocks and financial panic spread while the stock prices crashed. In 1939, interest rates increased again and the U.S. sunk deeper into the depression.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression happened for several reasons. One of the reasons was due to overproduction. Demand went down for several reasons and factories had to cut back on production causing workers to lose their jobs. Another reason was the stock markets. Prices in the stock markets were at an all-time high so the Federal Reserve raised interest rates twice. Instead of helping it just put the United States in a state of finacial panic. Stock prices crashed and soon the depression spread world wide.
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    Democracies Reaction

    Britain set up a coalition government which was made up of people from all three political parties. They provided some unemployment benefits but did nothing to improve the economy. Even though France wasn't hurt by the depression right away they soon felt the drop of production and unemployment. Leon Blum's government tried to help labor problems and passed social legislation but could not control some leftists. Strikes led to the downfall of Blum's government leaving France's government weak.
  • The Great Depression spreads

    As the depression got worse in the United States, it spread around the world. The U.S. demanded their money back from foreign countries but without the support of the United States, other countries could not afford to pay their war debts. Germany could not make its reparation payments and France and Britain could not pay their loans. High tariffs were placed on foreign goods causing a huge drop in global world trade in 1932 and 1933.
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    The New Deal

    In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president and introduced the New Deal, a huge package of social and economic programs. The government became more involved in peoples lives than before. They regulated the stock market, protected banks, and created programs that helped farmers and created jobs. Then in 1934, the Dust Bowl hit and thousands of farms, crops and equipment were lost. The New Deal failed but it had eased the suffering for many people.
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    Maginot Line

    Despite forgein policies, which are any relations between two or more countries, France didn't trust Germany. In an attempt to stop a 3rd invasion by the Germans. France created a defense called the Maginot Line. Nonetheless, this reinforcement did not stop a 3rd invasion in 1940.
  • Start of WWII