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  • Mary saves Crabbe

    Mary saves Crabbe
    After crabbe fell in the water, Mary saved crabbe from the crash. Crabbe had broken ribs plus a fracture arm so mary placed his arm in a sling.
  • LOVE

    When crabbe tells mary that he "LOVES" her, Mary loves him to but as friendly love.
  • Stealing Food

    Stealing Food
    Thats when Mary and Crabbe goto these hunting huts and trying to get some food but this time people were there, these drunk/wasted guys. Mary got cought and tooken away into the house into a room while crabbe was in the kitchen hiding. so crabbe came up with this big idea and saved mary. while Crabbe try not to leave a trail even tho they were to drunk to follow and the next day they would be to wasted.

    It was almost morning but still dark, and couldn't see mary but as he got closer he seen that she had fell of the cliff, crabbe couldn't bare to see. So he made rock funral for respectfulness.
  • Crabbe runs away

    Crabbe runs away
    Crabbe ran away and he used his cannoe to go down stream. He past the camp ground that him and his dad use to go to. as he went down stream he lost control of the cannoe, then went over a waterfall
  • The begining

    The begining
    It all started at the hospitel, when this person name franklin crabbe who lost couple of fingers (2).
  • Therapy

    Talking to him about the problems he had in the past. before he ended up in the hospitel.