Intimacy vs.Isolation- This is the 6th stage and takes place during young adult hood between the ages of 19-30 The major conflict is forming intimate relationships or loneliness and isolation.
Relationships play a critical role in the intimacy vs isolation states according to Erikson. He described relationships as those characterized by closeness, honesty and love. People who over come this conflict are able to develop deep relationships with others. Those who don't become closed off and isolate themselves. An example of this would be a girl and a boy who are in a relationship and have opened up and sharing a part of self with others, being intimate, and making commitments to others. -
Trust vs. Mistrust - The first stage in Erik Erikson theory of development. This states happens as birth and continues until they are 18 months old. During this stage infants are uncertain about the world and things in their life and need stability.
During this stage this helps babies have hope.
Amber recently had a child. When her baby cries she always checks on her. The babies need for care ad food must be met with comforting and regularity. Over the course of time the baby starts to build trust with their caregiver. Parental consistency is essential for the sense of trust and develop.When these needs are consistently met, the child learns she can trust the caregiver. Babies who are not attached to their caregivers often develop fear. -
Integrity vs. Despair- This begins as aging adults face the problem of his r her mortality. It is often triggered by retirement, the loss of a spouse or friends, facing illness, and many other major changes.
Sarah has recently turned 68 and retired from her job. Like most people she reflects back on her life, she is feels both satisfaction and a few regrets form over the year. How she resolves this crisis determines whether she will achieve integrity or be left with despair. She eventually feels a sense of accomplishment in her life after looking back and is able to face what is ahead with a sense of wisdom and peace.