Seven year war 2

3.1 Timeline

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  • The Birth of George Washington

    The Birth of George Washington
    George Washington was one of the young colonial officers who lead troops during the Seven year war. He was born in 1732 to a prosperous farm family.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    Benjamin Franklin introduced at this meeting the Albany Plan of Union that would establish a council of representatives from the various colonial assemblies to debate issues of frontier defense, trade, and territorial expansions and to recommend terms agreeable to both colonist and American Indians.
  • Period: to

    The Seven Year War

    A worldwide conflict mostly between Britain and France which it then expanded to North America it ended with France ceding its North American Territory to England and Spain
  • General Edward Braddock and two regiments arrived in Fort Duquense

    General Edward Braddock and two regiments arrived in Fort Duquense
    The British government decided to send additional troops to defends its American colonies against attacks from American Indians and intrusions from the French.
  • Great Britain and France officially declared war

    Great Britain and France officially declared war
    In 1756 Great Britain and France officially declared war against other. Eventually Austria, Russia, Sweden, most of German states, and Spain allied with France, while Portugal and Prussia sided with Great Britain.
  • British forces recaptured the fort Louisburg

    British forces recaptured the fort Louisburg
    British Captured Fort Louisburg on Cape Breton Island, a key to Frances defense of Canada
  • British won Quebec and control of Canada

    British won Quebec and control of Canada
    French efforts in North America suffered as Prussia defeated France and its allies in Europe and Britain gain key victories in India. (helped them lead the Canadian victory)
  • King George and Peace of Paris

    King George and Peace of Paris
    King George III was concerned enough with the expense of imperial conflict to open peace negotiations with France.
  • King George III finalized the Peace of Paris

    King George III finalized the Peace of Paris
    King George III agreed to give up numbers of conquered territories in order to finalize the Peace of Paris in 1763
  • The Proclamation Line of 1763

    The Proclamation Line of 1763
    As the war concluded the Parliament created the Proclamation line to limit westwards expansions and thereby diminish such hostilities