3.1, 3.2

  • Albany Plan of Union

    In 1754, delegates met to discuss a plan created by Benjamin Franklin, calling to unite the colonies and cooperate with one another in war. With the fear of losing more freedom, none of the colonies accepted the plan.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war for the British. They received new lands, including Florida, the Great Lakes, and Canada. The Mississippi River became the boundary dividing the Spanish and British forces.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    After receiving new lands from the French, the British forces began to explore Canada and the Great Lakes region, encountering many Native Americans. Tensions rose between the Native Americans and the British, leading to an uprising in 1763. Native Americans rallied against British forces, also raiding settlements in the southern colonies.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Following tensions and attacks between the British and the Native Americans, British forces established the Proclamation of 1763. This attempted to prevent colonists from settling on land east of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Stamp Act

    In 1765, Parliament passed a bill intended to help the British pay off their debt and control the colonies. The Stamp Act taxed all printed materials, the first direct tax on the colonies.
  • 1774

    In 1774, delegates from almost every colony formed the first Continental Congress. This was a group representing every colony, excluding Georgia, that was intended to pressure Parliament into withdrawing the Coercive Acts.