
  • Deal with the French.

    Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France without having authority to do so.
  • Jefferson not spending money.

    Thomas Jefferson didn’t spend the money Congress put aside for gunboats because he thought they didn’t need them.
  • FDR and the Great Depression

    FDR took over as president during the Great Depression. He helped the country get through the crisis.
  • Harry Truman

    He used an executive order to racially integrate the armed forces.
  • Harry Truman’s mistake.

    Supreme Court declared Truman’s actions in taking over the steel mills, unconstitutional.
  • Dissatisfaction with Lyndon Johnson.

    The public was dissatisfied with Lyndon Johnson’s conduct of the Vietnam War. It made him not want to run again for president.
  • Gerald Ford and Nixon

    Gerald Ford granted Richard Nixon a full pardon before he could be indicted on charges that had to do with watergate.
  • War on Terrorism

    After 9/11, President Bush declared a “war on terrorism” and substantially expanded powers to fight terrorism.