2nd Boer war

By edl7322
  • War is decleared

    Transvaal and orange free state declare war on Britain
  • Period: to

    2nd Boer War

  • Siege of Mafeking

    Siege of Mafeking was a 217-day siege where the Boers held the British inside the town of Mafeking. This Siege had significance because the prime minister's son was a part of the army which was held in Mafeking. The 1500 men force was led by Baden Powell and the 8000 men force of the Boers was led by Cronje.
  • Siege of kimberley

    Boer forces besieged the diamond mining town of Kimberley which held 1500 British troops. Those British troops were led by Cecil Rhodes. The Boer forces were led by Wessles
  • siege of ladysmith

    Boer forces besieged the town of Ladysmith in natal, the British force of 12,500 men was led by George Stuart White and suffered 800 casualties with 800 prisoners. The Boer force was led by Joubert with a force of 21,000 men and only 52 killed.
  • Black week

    This week consisted of three battles where the British lost massively: Stormberg, Magersfontein, Colenso. British casualties were 2,776 and the battles were led by Gatacre, Lord Methuen and Buller
  • Battle of spion kop

    this was a battle during the time the British were trying to relieve Ladysmith. The British force was led by Bullers. The British had 20,000 men contrasting the Boers who had 8,000 men. 243 British were killed and less than a hundred Boers were killed in a battle where the British lost.
  • Relief of kimberly

  • Relief of ladysmith

  • British capture Bloemfontein

  • British capture Johannesburg

  • British capture Pretoria

  • Boer commando attacks on Trains

    After a run of defeats on the Boers, they started to attack trains and go for a more guerilla type of warfare which was very effective because they could attack and leave very quickly before the manpower of the British could catch back up to the after the damage was done
  • Hobhouse travels and Writes her report on concentration camps

    Hobhouse writes her report on the concentration camps which are set up throughout South Africa to give refuge to the civilians whose houses had been burnt by the British, her report focussed on how malnourished the people in the camps were and how bad the conditions were. This report had action and a team sent by the government went and confirmed that the Hobhouse report was factual. The government then did try and make these camps better. 28,000 died in concentration camps
  • British build Blockhouses

    The British in the late stage of the war started to build blockhouses and make fences so they could round up all the Boer fighters more effectively. The British built 8000 Blockhouses
  • Kitchener Scorched earth policy

  • Treaty of Vereeniging Ends the war