The History of the Telephone

  • First telephone

    First telephone
    In the 1870'a there was a device invented that could transmit speach electrically.Elisha Grey and Alexander Graham Bell both had a part in inventing this,Both men rushed there telephone to the patent office,Alex ander Graham Bell got there first and having is patented before Elisha Grey.Bell won the battle against Grey about who invented the telephone first.
  • Western Electric Non Dial Candlestick Phone

    Western Electric Non Dial Candlestick Phone
    In the early 1900's the Western electric non dial candlestick phone was invented.It was the standard of the industry at its time.It didnt have dialing but it was still made easier to hear and talk into at the same time.making it easier for calls.
  • 1970's Push button Phone

    1970's Push button Phone
    In the 1970's phones were even easier to use then the wall hanging phones from the early 1900's.They had push buttons making it easier for you to see what your dialing,and easier to make calls.
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    In 1973 a man invented the cell phone.A mobile version of a phone so that we were able to make calls when were on the go.His name was Dr.Martin Cooper.
  • Newer Cell Phone (Lg env touch)

    Newer Cell Phone (Lg env touch)
    Today,Thanks to technology we now have smaller and more portable cell phones that do pretty much anything we need them to.Cell phones today have web browsing, texting, voicemail and many other things along with making calls ofcourse.
  • Wall phone

    Wall phone
    In the early 1900's this phone was created to hang on the wall.It was also easier to use,having numbers for dialing and an ear n mouth peice to hear from and talk into making talking to someone easier.